There will be two 75-minute midterm exams and a 2-hour final exam.
The midterm exams are given during class periods.
The dates and times are listed below.
The final exam is given during the official (default) time period.
The location will be announced roughly 2 weeks before the final.
The goal is to have exams in person, in JGB 2.202 for midterms.
But since the entire class takes the exam at the same time,
exams are more likely (than lectures) to be switched to Zoom.
The mode (in-person or online) will be communicated to the students via
Canvas announcements.
For in-person exams, the problems will be handed out
at the beginning, and the work will be collected at the end.
All on paper, as usual. No notes or calculators are allowed.
For online exams, the problem page will be accessible from within Zoom.
Students are required to be on Zoom and visible during exams.
The students' exam solutions are due (via upload to Gradescope)
no later than 45 minutes after the official exam period ends.
Gradescope will allow submissions that are up to 30 minutes late,
but they will be accepted without penalty
only if the delay is due to technical difficulties
and the student explains the circumstances via email.
More information is given below.
Each exam is graded on a scale from 0 to 60 points
and is "curved" to a number grade from 0 to 100
via an affine function (example: grade = 10 + 1.5 * points).
The "curve" will be made public after the exam is graded.
The correspondence between number grades and letter grades is
93 -100 A
89 - 92 A-
85 - 88 B+
81 - 84 B
77 - 80 B-
73 - 76 C+
69 - 72 C
65 - 68 C-
61 - 64 D+
57 - 60 D
53 - 56 D-
0 - 52 F
Credit will be given mainly for valid, relevant, and comprehensible
solution steps. Just answers receive little to no credit.
The course grade is obtained via averaging from the
number grades on the three exams and the homework.
Midterm 1: Tue Sep 28, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm (weight 25%)
Midterm 2: Thu Oct 28, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm (weight 25%)
Final: Fri Dec 10, 9:00 am - 11:00 am (weight 35%)
Homework: (weight 15%)
No make-up exams are given,
except in cases of documented illness or emergencies.
For students with documented special needs, a time extension
can be arranged if requested at least ten days before the exam.
Online exam format and grading
The exams format will be free-style.
The student solves the problems on paper, in her/his own handwriting,
then scans the pages (e.g. with a smartphone) into a single pdf file.
The pdf file is then uploaded to Gradescope.
(This takes a few steps, so please budget enough time for this.)
Students may use the textbook, class notes, and a basic calculator.
Using other mathematical software or consulting other people is not permitted.
The hope is that students can be trusted to respect these rules.
Online exams are Zoom sessions as well.
Login via your UT Account. Guest logins will not be allowed.
All participants must be connected with their video on.
There will be short "interviews" during each exam
with individual students (in Zoom breakout rooms).
Be prepared to provide some basic information
related to your work and testing environment.
The aim is to avoid using remote-proctoring software.
But if it looks necessary after grading an exam,
then the use of Proctorio will be required for subsequent exams.
Exam dates and topics
Exam 1, Tuesday Sep 28
- Topic: everything that was covered in class
up to and including the Chinese remainder theorem.
- Official exam time: 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
- Location: JGB 2.202
Exam 2, Thursday Oct 28
- Topic: everything that was covered in class
up to and including the number and sum of divisors.
- Official exam time: 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
- Location: JGB 2.202
Final exam, Friday Dec 10
- Topic: everything that was covered in class
up to and including quadratic reciprocity.
- Official exam time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
- Location: PMA 5.104
Past Exams with Solutions
Fall 2020
Fall 2021