ITPACK, developed at the
Center for Numerical Analysis,
the University of Texas at Austin,
is a collection of subroutines for solving large sparse linear systems by
adaptive accelerated iterative algorithms.
(for NonSymmetric Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient)
is a wide collection of subroutines for solving large sparse linear systems
using iterative algorithms.
with a selection of
many more preconditioners, accelerators, and data formats.
It contains all of the ITPACK subroutines.
Please send email to
Dr. David R. Kincaid
if you have any questions about ITPACK.
Double-precision ITPACK 2C source code
Testing Routine
for double-precision ITPACK 2C
Single-precision ITPACK 2C source code
Testing Routine
for single-precision ITPACK 2C
ITPACKV 2D source code (vectorized for Cray Y-MP)
Testing Routine:
ITPACK 2C User's Guide in LaTeX
ITPACKV 2D User's Guide in LaTeX
Online Manuals
ITPACK 2C User's Guide
ITPACKV 2D User's Guide
You should create a directory for the downloaded files. Note that
you can compile your program using the following command:
% f77 dsrc2c.f myprog.f
Please consult your system administrator for more information about
the Fortran compiler on your system.
See the
ITPACK 2C User's Guide
for details on how to use the routines in the package.
- R. Grimes, D. Kincaid, W. Macgregor, and D. Young.
``ITPACK Report: Adaptive Iterative Algorithms Using Symmetric
Sparse Storage," CNA-139,
Center for Numerical Analysis, University of
Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712, August 1978.
- R. Grimes, D. Kincaid, and D. Young. ``ITPACK 2.0 User's
Guide," CNA-150, Center for Numerical Analysis, University of
Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712, August 1979.
- R. Grimes, D. Kincaid, and D. Young. ``ITPACK 2A: A
FORTRAN Implementation of Adaptive Accelerated Iterative
Methods for Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems," CNA-164,
Center for Numerical Analysis, University of Texas, Austin,
Texas, 78712, October 1980.
- D. Kincaid and R. Grimes. ``Numerical Studies of Several
Adaptive Iterative Algorithms," CNA-126, Center for Numerical
Analysis, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712, August 1977.
- D. Kincaid, R. Grimes, W. Macgregor, and D. Young.
``ITPACK--Adaptive Iterative Algorithms Using Symmetric
Sparse Storage," in Symposium on Reservoir Simulation, Society
of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, 6200 North Central Expressway, Dallas,
Texas, 75206, February 1979, pp. 151-160.
- D. Kincaid, R. Grimes, and D. Young. ``The Use of
Iterative Methods for Solving Large Sparse PDE-Related Linear
Systems," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation XXI,
North-Holland Publishing Company, New York, 1979, pp. 368-375.
- D. Kincaid and D. Young. ``Survey of Iterative Methods," in
Encyclopedia of Computer Sciences and Technology, Vol. 13
(J. Belzer, A. Holzman, and A. Kent, eds.), Marcel Dekker,
Inc., New York, 1979, pp. 354-391.
- D. Kincaid and D. Young. ``Adapting Iterative Algorithms
Developed for Symmetric Systems to Nonsymmetric Systems," in
Elliptic Problem Solvers, (M. Schultz, ed.), Academic Press,
New York, 1981, p. 353-359.
- D. Kincaid. ``Acceleration Parameters for a Symmetric
Successive Overrelaxation Conjugate Gradient Method for
Nonsymmetric Systems," in Advances in Computer Methods for
Partial Differential Equations IV, (R. Vichnevetsky and
R. Stepleman, eds.), Publ. IMACS, Department of Computer Science,
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08903, 1981, pp.
- D. Kincaid, R. Grimes, J. Respess, and D. Young. ``ITPACK
2B: A FORTRAN Implementation of Adaptive Accelerated
Iterative Methods for Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems,"
CNA-173, Center for Numerical Analysis, University of Texas,
Austin, Texas, 78712, September 1981.
- D. Young and D. Kincaid. ``The ITPACK Package for Large
Sparse Linear Systems," in Elliptic Problem Solvers, (M.
Schultz, ed.), Academic Press, New York, 1981, pp. 163-185.