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This version of ITPACKV is an update of an earlier version, ITPACKV 2C.
In this version, the SOR(), SSORCG(), and SSORSI()
modules have been modified so they are vectorizable in the
case of natural ordering. These modules permute the system Au=b
according to a ``wave front" ordering prior to iterating and unpermute the
system after iterating. The wave front ordering is determined for these
routines by finding the sets of unknowns that can be updated
simultaneously (e.g., the unknowns along the diagonals of the mesh for
a 5-point star operator on a rectangular grid). The vector lengths of
these wave fronts are dependent upon the sparsity pattern of the matrix
as well as the size of the matrix, but are typically much smaller than
N. This technique of vectorization will be effective on vector
computers which do not have large start-up costs for vector operations.
Also, for the SOR(), SSORCG(), and SSORSI() modules,
the matrix is scaled by
to reduce the operation count during the
forward and backward SOR passes. The scaling process is done every time
is changed. Finally, the routine DETERM() was rewritten to
use the Cray library routine SOLRN(), if it is available. See
[9] for details on the vectorization techniques used in ITPACKV 2D.
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