NSPCG was developed at the
Center for Numerical Analysis,
the University of Texas at Austin,
by Thomas Oppe, Wayne Joubert, David Kincaid, and David Young.
It is a collection of Fortran
subroutines for solving large sparse linear systems by
adaptive accelerated iterative algorithms.
Please send email to
Dr. David R. Kincaid
if you have any questions about NSPCG.
Information Message
NSPCG Source Code, Part 1
NSPCG Source Code, Part 2
NSPCG Source Code, Part 3
NSPCG Source Code, Part 4
NSPCG Source Code, Part 5
Testing Program 1 for NSPCG
Testing Program 2 for NSPCG
Testing Program 3 for NSPCG
Testing Program 4 for NSPCG
Testing Program 5 for NSPCG
NSPCG User's Guide in LaTeX
Quick Reference Guide for NSPCG in LaTeX
Online Manuals
NSPCG User's Guide
Quick Reference Guide for NSPCG
You should create a directory for the downloaded files. Note that
you can compile your program using the following command:
% f77 source.f myprog.f
Please consult your system administrator for more information about
the Fortran compiler on your system.
See the
NSPCG User's Guide
for details on how to use the routines in the package.
Hageman, L. and Young, D.M. Applied Iterative
Methods. New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1981.
Jea, K.C. and Young, D.M. ``On the
Simplification of Generalized Conjugate Gradient Methods for
Nonsymmetrizable Linear Systems." Linear Algebra and its
Applications, Vol 52/53, 1983, pp. 399-417.
Kincaid, D., Oppe, T., Respess, J., and Young, D.
``ITPACKV 2C User's Guide." CNA-191, Center for Numerical Analysis,
University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712, February 1984.
Kincaid, D., Respess, J., Young, D., and Grimes, R.
``Algorithm 586 ITPACK 2C: A FORTRAN Package for Solving Large
Sparse Linear Systems by Adaptive Accelerated Iterative Methods."
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 8, No. 3,
September 1982, pp. 302-322.
Kincaid, David R. and Young, David M. ``The
ITPACK Project: Past, Present, and Future." CNA-180, Center for
Numerical Analysis, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712,
March 1983.
Lawson, C.L., Hanson, R.J., Kincaid, D.R., and
Krough, F.T. ``Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms for Fortran Usage."
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 5, No. 3,
September 1979, pp. 308-323.
Oppe, T.C., Joubert, W.D., and Kincaid, D.R.
``Algorithms in NSPCG." In preparation.
Young, D.M. Iterative Solution of Large Linear
Systems. New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1971.
Young, D.M. and Jea, K.C. ``Generalized Conjugate
Gradient Acceleration of Nonsymmetrizable Iterative Methods."
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 34:159-194 (1980).
D. Young and D. Kincaid. ``The ITPACK Package for Large
Sparse Linear Systems," in Elliptic Problem Solvers, (M.
Schultz, ed.), Academic Press, New York, 1981, pp. 163-185.
06 Aug 2008