A Package for
Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems by
Various Iterative Methods
Thomas C. Oppe
Wayne D. Joubert
David R. Kincaid
Center for Numerical Analysis
The University of Texas at Austin
April, 1988
NSPCG (for Nonsymmetric Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient) is a computer package to solve the linear system Au=b by various iterative methods. The coefficient matrix A is assumed to be large and sparse with real coefficients. A wide selection of preconditioners and accelerators is available for both symmetric and nonsymmetric coefficient matrices. Several sparse matrix data structures are available to represent matrices whose structures range from highly structured to completely unstructured.
The University of Texas at Austin and the Center for Numerical Analysis (CNA) disclaim all warranties with regard to the NSPCG software package, including all warranties of merchantability and fitness, and any stated express warranties are in lieu of all obligations or liability on the part of The University or the CNA for damages, including, but not limited to, special, indirect, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of NSPCG. In no event will The University or the CNA be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising in connection with use of or inability to use NSPCG or the documentation.
It should be emphasized that the NSPCG package is still in preliminary and incomplete form. For example,
A limited number of copies of the NSPCG package will be made available on request with the understanding that it is intended as a research tool and will undergo further development. The interested reader should write to the address below for additional information on obtaining the distribution tape of the program. Also, reports of difficulties encountered in using the system or comments and suggestions for improving the package would be welcome.
Center for Numerical Analysis
RLM Bldg. 13.150
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78713-8510
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