The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the Center for Numerical Analysis and Computation Center at The University of Texas at Austin during the development of the NSPCG package. The support and helpful comments from Dr. David M. Young are also gratefully acknowledged.
The NSPCG package was developed with the aid of the Control Data Dual Cyber 170/750 system operated by the Computation Center of The University of Texas at Austin, the Control Data Cyber 205 system operated by the Institute for Computational Studies of Colorado State University, and the Cray X-MP system operated by the Center for High Performance Computing of The University of Texas System. The cooperation of each of these centers in making their facilities available for use on this project is greatly appreciated.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support, in part, of the National Science Foundation through Grant CCR-8518722, the Department of Energy under Grant DE-FG05-87ER25048, Cray Research, Inc. through Grant LTR DTD, the Control Data Corporation through its PACER Fellowship Program (1985-87), and Sandia National Laboratory through Contract No. 06-4298 (1987-88).