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NSPCG is a computer package to solve large sparse systems of linear
equations by iterative methods. The package uses various acceleration
techniques, such as the conjugate gradient method, Chebyshev
acceleration and various generalized conjugate gradient methods for
nonsymmetric systems, in conjunction with various preconditioners
(or, basic iterative methods). NSPCG was developed as part of the ITPACK
project of the Center for Numerical Analysis at The University of Texas
at Austin [14,15,16].
Some of the salient features of the package are as follows:
Accelerators for the nonsymmetrizable case such as ORTHOMIN,
GCR (Generalized Conjugate Residual), Lanczos, and Paige
and Saunders' LSQR method are provided, as well as accelerators
for the symmetrizable case such as conjugate gradient and
Chebyshev acceleration.
Basic preconditioners such as Jacobi, Incomplete LU
Decomposition, Modified Incomplete LU Decomposition,
Successive Overrelaxation, and Symmetric Successive
Overrelaxation are included in the package. Furthermore,
some of these preconditioners are available either as
left-, right-, or two-sided preconditioners. (See
Section 5 for additional details.)
The package is modular. Any preconditioner may be used with
any accelerator, except for SOR which is unaccelerated. Any
preconditioner may be used with any of the allowable data
storage formats, except for block preconditioners which are
available only with the diagonal data structures.
Several matrix storage schemes are available. The user may
represent the matrix in one of several sparse matrix formats:
primary storage (the same format used in the ELLPACK package
[24] from Purdue University),
symmetric diagonal storage, nonsymmetric diagonal storage,
symmetric coordinate storage, or nonsymmetric coordinate
The package can be used in a matrix-free mode, in which the user
supplies customized routines for performing matrix operations.
The data structures have been chosen for efficiency on vector,
or pipelined, computers. Many of the preconditioners have been
vectorized to work efficiently on such computers as the
Cyber 205, Cray 1, and Cray X-MP. It is expected that the
package would perform well on the Hitachi, Fujitsu and NEC
One of the purposes for the development of the NSPCG package
was to investigate the suitability of various basic iterative
methods for vector computers. The degree of vectorization that
is possible for a particular iterative method often depends on the
underlying structure of the matrix, the data structure used for
the matrix representation, the ordering used for the equations,
and the vector computer being used. NSPCG allows several sparse
matrix data structures suitable for matrices with regular or
irregular structures. Also, various orderings can be given to
the equations to enhance vectorization of the basic iterative
method. Finally, the package has been written so that it can
be installed on supercomputers with different vectorizing
philosophies (e.g., memory-to-memory computations as with the
Cyber 205 computer or register-to-register computations as with
the Cray computers).
Another purpose for the development of the NSPCG package was
to provide a common modular structure for research on iterative
methods. In addition to providing a large number of preconditioners
and accelerators, the package has been constructed to facilitate the
addition of new preconditioners and new acceleration schemes
into the package. Thus, the package is an experimental research
tool for evaluating certain aspects of iterative methods and can
provide a guide for the construction of an iterative algorithm
which is tailored to a specific problem. The code is not intended
to be used in production situations, but it can provide information
- the convergence or nonconvergence of an iterative method
- the number of iterations required for convergence
- the existence of a preconditioner (e.g., incomplete
factorization preconditioners)
- the suitability of an approximate stopping test in
reference to an idealized stopping test
- the effectiveness of certain adaptive procedures for
selecting iterative parameters
- some vectorization techniques for various iterative
kernels using certain data structures
This information can then be used in designing a production
iterative code.
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