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Choices for Accelerator
A large collection of accelerators is available to handle both
symmetric and nonsymmetric matrix problems. A list of the
available choices for accel is given below
with their corresponding common names given in parenthesis.
Any precon entry can be used with any
accel entry except as noted. Also, any
accelerator allows left, right, or split orientation of the
preconditioner except as noted.
- CG
- (Conjugate Gradient acceleration):
This is the two-term form of conjugate gradient for
symmetric and positive definite (SPD) matrices and mildly
nonsymmetric matrices. Only left preconditioning is
- SI
- (Chebyshev acceleration or Semi-Iteration):
This is the two-term form of Chebyshev acceleration for
the same general class of matrices as CG. Only left
preconditioning is allowed.
- (Successive Overrelaxation):
This routine must be used as accel
for the SOR algorithm with adaptive parameter determination.
It is intended for SPD and mildly
nonsymmetric matrices. For this choice of
accel ,
is restricted to SORi and LSORi for allowed values
of i. Also, these choices of precon
cannot be used with other accelerations since SOR cannot
be accelerated. Note that Successive Overrelaxation is
not an acceleration but is included here since the
function of the SOR module is analogous to that of an
- (SSOR CG Algorithm):
This algorithm performs the SSOR conjugate gradient
algorithm with an adaptive procedure for .
It is
intended for SPD and mildly nonsymmetric matrices.
is restricted to SSORi and
LSSORi for allowed values of i. These selections
for precon
can also be used with other
accelerators, but no adapting on
will be performed.
Only left preconditioning is allowed. Note that the SRCG
module combines both an accelerator and a preconditioner
but is included here since its function is analogous to
that of an accel
- (SSOR SI Algorithm):
This algorithm performs the SSOR semi-iteration
algorithm with an adaptive procedure for .
It is
intended for SPD and mildly nonsymmetric matrices.
is restricted to SSORi and
LSSORi for allowed values of i. Only left
preconditioning is allowed. Note that the SRSI module
combines both an accelerator and a preconditioner but is
included here since its function is analogous to that of
an accel
- (Basic Iterative Method):
This algorithm runs the unaccelerated iterative method
corresponding to the given preconditioner. The default
extrapolation factor used in BASIC is 2/(EMAX+EMIN) where
EMAX and EMIN are RPARM variables. To run the unaccelerated
method with no extrapolation, EMAX and EMIN should be
set to 1. Only left preconditioning is allowed.
Note that the BASIC module is not an accelerator
but is included here since its function is analogous
to that of an accel
- ME
- (Minimal Error Algorithm):
This is an ORTHODIR-like algorithm for symmetric systems
with a three term recurrence which minimizes
the 2-norm of the error,
at each iteration [8].
- (Conjugate Gradient applied to the Normal Equations):
This implementation of CG applied to the normal equations
of the preconditioned system minimizes
the 2-norm of the residual
vector of the original preconditioned system, at each iteration
[22]. Only left preconditioning is allowed.
- (Least Squares Algorithm):
This algorithm calculates the same iterates as CGNR but in
a slightly more stable fashion [22].
Only left preconditioning is allowed.
This is a truncated/restarted method useful for nonsymmetric
systems of equations [36]. The user can specify
the number of old vectors used in the truncation and
the restarting frequency.
This is a common truncated/restarted method used for
nonsymmetric systems [36]. Note that this method
includes the popular GCR method (Generalized Conjugate
Residual or restarted ORTHOMIN) [7].
This is another truncated/restarted method for nonsymmetric
systems [36].
- (Incomplete Orthogonalization Method):
This is a truncated method due to Saad [25,26]
which calculates the same iterates, in exact arithmetic, as
ORTHORES. In the symmetric case, it runs the SYMMLQ
algorithm of Paige and Saunders [21].
Only left preconditioning is allowed.
- (Generalized Minimal Residual Method):
This method is a truncated/restarted method which, in the
case of pure restarting (NS2
NS1 +1 where NS1
and NS2 are IPARM quantities), calculates
the same iterates as the truncated/restarted ORTHODIR algorithm
[27]. In the symmetric case, it may be used to run
the MINRES algorithm of Paige and Saunders [21].
- (Unsymmetric LQ):
This is a quasi-Krylov method useful for nonsymmetric
systems [34]. Only left preconditioning is allowed.
- (Unsymmetric QR):
This is a companion algorithm to
USYMLQ. It minimizes the 2-norm of the residual over
an appropriate quasi-Krylov space [34].
Only left preconditioning is allowed.
- (Lanczos/ORTHODIR):
This is the first of the three variants of the Lanczos algorithm
for nonsymmetric systems [11].
Only left preconditioning is allowed.
- (Lanczos/ORTHOMIN or Biconjugate Gradient Method):
This second variant of the Lanczos algorithm does slightly
less work per iteration than the other variants of the
Lanczos method and is often referred to as the Biconjugate
gradient method [11].
- (Lanczos/ORTHORES or ``two-sided" Lanczos Method):
This method is the third variant of the Lanczos algorithm
[11]. Only left preconditioning is allowed.
- (Constrained Generalized Conjugate Residual Method):
This method couples truncated/restarted ORTHOMIN with
a constrained residual technique described in
At each iteration, the average residual over each
two-dimensional block is forced to be zero. The
variable NBL2D must be appropriately set for this algorithm.
- (Biconjugate Gradient Squared Method):
This method is similar to the Biconjugate Gradient Method,
and in many cases performs better [12]. Only left
preconditioning is implemented.
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