amira * amanda * shreya * riley * amy
Hi! I am a math major also pursuing elements of computing certificate here at UT. I play pickleball, volleyball and I love cats! For me, AWM has been a warm, welcoming place with friendly faces, yummy snacks, and fun games.
Email: amira.sefidi@utexas.eduAmira S on Discord
Hi! My name is Amanda Zhang, and I am a mathematics major also pursing a data science minor and a CS certificate. I joined AWM fall semester of my freshman year, and I have found many friendships within this club! In my free time, I enjoy dancing, eating, and especially sleeping.
Email: az9882@utexas.eduMandaPanda on Discord
Hello! I'm Shreya Nandakumar. I'm a junior math major, but I'm graduating this year, so I guess I'm kind of a senior too. I'm also working on a computer science and data science certificate. My most favorite thing to do is doing nothing.
Email: shreya.nandakumar@gmail.comshreya on Discord
Hi! My name is Riley Parker, and I am a math major also pursuing a minor in economics. AWM has been full of mentors and friends and is a very chill club. In my free time, I enjoy reading and hanging out with my friends!
Email: rgp766@my.utexas.eduRiley Parker on Discord
Hi! My name is Amy and I'm a math major, with a focus on pure math. AWM is a fun, welcoming place to be, and I recommend everyone to join! I play a lot of video games in my free time.
Email: amy.choi@utexas.eduChickenBake on Discord