Title: Milestoning

Title: Milestoning 

Authors: Ron Elber and Anthony West


Atomically detailed simulations provide useful information on biomolecular processes using a single unified model. Specifically, Molecular Dynamics (MD) algorithms are available to compute efficiently thermodynamic and equilibrium behavior. However, MD is limited when studying non-equilibrium processes and kinetics. Straightforward and typical trajectories of condensed phase systems rarely exceed hundreds of nanoseconds, far too short to investigate the kinetics of many interesting biophysical systems. Examples are of conformational transitions, ion permeation, protein folding and more. Extending the time scale of molecular simulations is therefore an important research direction and has attracted the attention of many investigators.
It is useful to classify processes of long time dynamics into two categories: Dynamics which are (i) activated or (ii) diffusive . Significant progress has been made in algorithm design and theory development for activated processes (Dellago, Bolhuis et al. 2002; Voter, Montalenti et al. 2002; Hummer and Kevrekidis 2003; Faradjian and Elber 2004; Ren, Vanden-Eijnden et al. 2005). In activated processes rare short time trajectories pass over significant free energy barriers and determine the overall kinetics. Progress has been slower for diffusive processes (or a mixture of activated and diffusive processes) in which the times of the individual transitional trajectories are intrinsically long. Diffusion on rugged energy landscapes is not necessarily associated with a narrow transition domain between stable states. A narrow transition domain is typical in activated processes and facilitates the use of short time trajectories to probe reactive events. If we probe an activated system at different time slices, in the majority of the observations we do not observe something new. The system remains in the reactant state until a rapid (but rare) transition is initiated to the product state. In contrast, probing diffusive processes show spatial progress in sequential observations. Milestoning is a theoretical and computational approach that aims at diffusive or mixed processes. Nevertheless, it can also handle activated processes and therefore suggests a uniform technology for the two types of dynamics.
A conceptual approach to long time dynamics is that of coarse graining in space and time. Indeed a number of groups have followed this idea, and have proposed fitting parameters of a kinetic model (Sriraman, Kevrekidis et al. 2005; Chodera, Swope et al. 2006) or of the diffusion equation (Yang, Onuchic et al. 2007) based on atomically detailed simulations. For example, it is assumed that rate constants (exponential relaxations in time) describe transitions between the states of a Master equation. Power law and stretched exponential kinetics were found in biophysical kinetics (Frauenfelder, McMahon et al. 2001). Moreover, there is no rigorous mapping from an atomically detailed description of the system to a diffusion equation and the decision of what exactly to fit is not unique.
In contrast to the phenomenological modeling of the Master equation there is a rigorous approach to spatial and temporal coarse graining by Zwanzig and Mori. It is the Generalized Langevin Equation (Zwanzig. R. 2001) or equivalently the Generalized Master Equation (Mori, Fujisaka et al. 1974). A memory kernel (and not a rate constant) describes the impact of the “bath”. Unfortunately, the numerical calculations of the memory kernel of the Generalized Master Equation are difficult, motivating the use of the simpler and less rigorous Master Equation. At the core of the Milestoning approach one finds an algorithm to circumvent the difficulty in computing the memory kernel. The function we compute is formally equivalent but easier to estimate numerically than the rate kernel. Therefore the Milestoning approach is equivalent to the Generalized Master Equation and is based on a rigorous theory of non-equilibrium processes. 

Milestoning is a theory and an algorithm to compute kinetics and thermodynamics of complex molecular systems. It makes it possible to study general processes on rugged energy landscapes on timescales not approachable by straightforward Molecular Dynamics (microseconds and milliseconds). The algorithm is based on monitoring progress along a set of discrete states (Milestones) using short-time microscopic trajectories that capture local dynamics. These discrete states can be (for example) hypersurfaces perpendicular to a reaction coordinate. Transition times between Milestones are recorded to produce Local-First-Passage-Time-Distributions (LFPTD). The theory is based on a non-Markovian integral equation for the probability flow between Milestones. The integral equation is equivalent to the Generalized Master equation. No specific model is assumed for the microscopic dynamics. The theory uses the LFPTD to compute the overall kinetic and thermodynamic. Complex transitions in proteins were investigated (allosteric transition in Scapharca hemoglobin, the recovery stroke in myosin).


Chodera, J. D., W. C. Swope, et al. (2006). "Long-time protein folding dynamics from short-time molecular dynamics simulations."
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 5(4): 1214-1226.

Dellago, C., P. G. Bolhuis, et al. (2002). Transition path sampling. Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol 123. 123: 1-78.
Faradjian, A. K. and R. Elber (2004). "Computing time scales from reaction coordinates by milestoning." Journal of Chemical Physics 120(23): 10880-10889.

Frauenfelder, H., B. H. McMahon, et al. (2001). "The role of structure, energy landscape, dynamics, and allostery in the enzymatic function of myoglobin." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98(5): 2370-2374.

Hummer, G. and I. G. Kevrekidis (2003). "Coarse molecular dynamics of a peptide fragment: Free energy, kinetics, and long-time dynamics computations." Journal of Chemical Physics 118(23): 10762-10773.
Mori, H., H. Fujisaka, et al. (1974). A new expansion of the master equation.

Ren, W., E. Vanden-Eijnden, et al. (2005). "Transition pathways in complex systems: Application of the finite-temperature string method to the alanine dipeptide." Journal of Chemical Physics 123(13).

Sriraman, S., L. G. Kevrekidis, et al. (2005). "Coarse master equation from Bayesian analysis of replica molecular dynamics simulations." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109(14): 6479-6484.

Voter, A. F., F. Montalenti, et al. (2002). "Extending the time scale in atomistic simulation of materials." Annual Review of Materials Research 32: 321-346.

Yang, S. C., J. N. Onuchic, et al. (2007). "Folding time predictions from all-atom replica exchange simulations." Journal of Molecular Biology 372(3): 756-763.

Zwanzig. R. (2001). Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. Oxford, Oxford University Press.