Spectral-Lagrangian solvers for non-linear Boltzmann type equations: numerics and analysis

Irene Gamba

We present a deterministic spectral solver for the non-linear Boltzmann Transport Equation (energy conservative and non-conservative)  for rather general collision kernels.
The  computation of  the non-linear Boltzmann Collision integral
and the lack of appropriate conservation properties  due to spectral
methods has been taken care by framing the conservation properties in the
form of a constrained minimization problem which is solved easily using a
Lagrange multiplier method.

We benchmark our code with  several examples of models for Maxwell type of interactions, (elastic or inelastic) for which explicit solution formulas are known. The numerical moments are  compared with exact
moments formulas  and the numerical non-equilibrium probability distributions functions are compared to the general asymptotic results. In the case of space  inhomogeneous boundary value
problems, the numerical method captures the discoutinuous behahior of the probability distribution functions  solution of the BTE with diffusive boundary  conditions and sudden changes in boundary temperature, as predicted by Y. Sone  for solutions of the BTE and  computed by Aoki, et al '91, using alternative models.

This work is in collaboration with my ICES student  Harsha Tharkabhushanam.