Gromov-Witten Theory

Spring 2018 Learning Seminar

The discovery of mirror symmetry
Image from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass, which captures some of the strangeness of mirror symmetry.

This is the webpage for a learning seminar on Gromov-Witten theory and related topics, including the moduli space of stable maps, the virtual fundamental class, and quantum cohomology. The seminar is organized by Arun Debray and Jonathan Lai.

Logistics: we'll meet Mondays at 11:00 AM in room PMA 11.176. In the seminar, we hope to spend some time on the construction of the moduli space of stable maps (about 3 lectures), the virtual fundamental class (about 3 lectures), a brief intoduction to mirror symmetry and Gromov-Witten theory for symplectic manifolds (2-3 lectures), quantum cohomology and applications to enumerative geometry (4 lectures), and possibly some connections to physics (1 lecture).

Lecture notes for this seminar can be found here.


Some references:

Related links: more references are posted in the Slack channel.

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