M382C: Algebraic Topology, Fall 2020
Daniel Allcock
unique number 53289
my office hours: (to be announced) in RLM 9.112
My email: (my last name)@math.utexas.edu.
unique number 53289
my office hours: (to be announced) in RLM 9.112
My email: (my last name)@math.utexas.edu.
my office phone number is 1-1120, but it's not very useful.

Final Exam (and latex source), and a picture to help communicate what I mean by the torus link L (in the n=3 case).


Lecture Notes (pdf and goodnotes formats):
Welcome (goodnotes)
Fundamental Group (goodnotes)
Van Kampen (goodnotes)
Covering Spaces (notability)
Homology thru homotopy invariance (notability)
Excision and Spheres (notability)
Geometric Applications (notability)
Euler and Lefschetz (notability)
Homotopy Theory (notability)

Prehomework (and latex source).
hw1 (and latex source).
hw2 (and latex source).
hw3 (and latex source).
hw4 (and latex source).
hw5 (and latex source).
hw6 (and latex source).
hw7 (and latex source).
hw8 (and latex source).
hw9 (and latex source).
hw10 (and latex source).
hw11 (and latex source).
hw12 (and latex source).
hw13 (and latex source).