Department of Mathematics
University of Texas at Austin
2515 Speedway Stop C1200
Austin, Texas 78712-1202
Department: 512-471-7711
Fax: 512-471-9038 E-Mail:
to examine how the interplay of symmetry, smoothness and uncertainty
characterize structure for geometric manifolds and model dynamical
processesto develop a new paradigm for fundamental inequalities, information
structures, and invariants for analysis on geometric manifolds
principal themes in my research -- symmetry, inequalities, analysis on manifolds
to foster creative tension between research & teaching -- to teach
students how to decipher
mathematical ideas and develop intellectual
skills to meet the scientific challeges of the 21st century
-- the basic question: what do you see & what does it meanPurpose -- to engage students on the cutting
edge of curiosity and provide the
analytical tools to decode
and explain the universe,
investigate new and difficult things, create novel concepts that didn't exist
recognize beauty in mathematics and nature
[with lines borrowed from Isaac Newton and friends]To those who do not know mathematics, it is difficult to get across a
real feeling as to the beauty,
the deepest beauty, of nature.
If you want
to learn about nature, to appreciate nature, it is necessary
understand the language that she speaks in. [Richard Feynman]It behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics.
[Roger Bacon]
Creativity takes courage [Henri Matisse]
Symmetry seems to be absolutely fascinating to the human mind.
[Richard Feynman]
the fact that Mathematics does such a good job of describing the Universe
is a mystery that we don't understand [Lord Kelvin];
and it is probable
that that there is some secret here which remains to be discovered
[C.S. Pierce];
one should look for interesting mathematics
[Paul Dirac];
the unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics
[Eugene Wigner]
what's important and interesting are the pattern and structure -- the
emerging complexity [Marin Rees]
Mathematics guided by curiosity, inspiration and rigorous reasoning,
state no hypothesis but compute,
search for patterns of symmetry, innovation occurs on the boundary,
goal is analytical insight!
[thoughts on reading and writing in Arroyo Seco]Decoding the universe with rigor -- computation & geometric imagination
are essential -- symmetry is the key --
the objective is to frame a new paradigm
[thoughts on writing in Princeton]On writing a paper, there must be a calculation
[thoughts on writing in Manarola]To look for an invariant way to describe analysis on a geometric manifold
with negative curvature,
and to find hidden principles that bring order to the chaos of information --
more precisely, to determine
patterns of knowledge and principles of symmetry that characterize mathematical
[thoughts on writing in Austin]Writing is the most important step -- because it leads to new ideas
[thoughts on writing in Azenhas do Mar]Writing should be succinct -- look for the "right way" to explain ideas
[thoughts on writing in Austin]
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Photos from Summer 2015:
West Lake, Hangzhou -- June 2017
Antartic Peninsula, January 2019
With Amalia in Houston
Oden Institute, 2019
With Eli Stein