Esteban Cárdenas - The University of Texas at Austin

Office: 11.146 - PMA building. Email: eacardenas [at]

"Come on! would everything be clear to you, everything would seem vain" -Paul Valéry.

I am a mathematics graduate student at UT Austin, working under the supervision of Thomas Chen. My research interests broadly revolve around Mathematical Physics, from the point of view of Analysis.

More recently I have been interested in the study of many-body problems, both in the classical and quantum-mechanical settings. My favorite type of mathematical research includes the investigation of emergence of physical macroscopic phenomena, and its rigorous analysis from first principles.

Currently I am in the postdoc market for positions in the US and in Europe. You can find a copy of my CV, here.

Research articles

  1. Radiative corrections to the dynamics of a tracer particle coupled to a Bose scalar field
    (with D. Mitrouskas) arXiv, 38 pages (2024).

  2. On the effective dynamics of Bose-Fermi mixtures
    (with J.K Miller and N. Pavlović). arXiv, 55 pages. (2023).

  3. Quantum Boltzmann dynamics and bosonized particle-hole interactions in fermion gases
    (with T. Chen). arXiv, 70 pages. (2023).

  1. Tunneling estimates for two-dimensional perturbed magnetic Dirac system
    (with B. Pavez and E. Stockmeyer). To appear in Ann. Henri Poincaré. arXiv, 41 pages. (2023).

  2. Derivation of a Boltzmann equation with higher-order collisions from a generalized Kac model
    (with N. Pavlović and W. Warner). To appear in SIAM J. Math. Anal, (2024). arXiv, 29 pages.

  3. Norm convergence of confined fermionic systems at zero temperature
    Lett Math Phys (114), 38 (2024). arXiv, 21 pages.

  4. Tracer particles coupled to an interacting boson gas
    J. Funct. Anal. 282 (8), 109403 (2022). arXiv, 36 pages.

  5. On the asymptotic dynamics of 2-D magnetic quantum systems
    (with D. Hundertmark, E. Stockmeyer and S. Wugalter). Ann. Henri Poincaré 22 (2021) 415-445. arXiv, 29 pages.

  6. Spectral properties of Landau Hamiltonians with non-local potentials
    (with G. Raikov and I. Tejeda). Asympt. Anal. 120 (2020), 337-371. arXiv, 31 pages.

  7. Domain-wall dynamics for an in-plane magnetized thin film with a large perpendicular hard-axis anisotropy including the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction,
    (with M.C. Depassier). Phys. Rev. B 98 (13) (2018), 134429 . arXiv, 14 pages.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Pseudo-Differential Perturbations of the Landau Hamiltonian. In: Miranda, P., Popoff, N., Raikov, G. (eds) Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics. Latin American Mathematics Series. Springer, Cham. (2020). Link to the book.