October 10-12, 2008
List of speakers with extended abstracts
The Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (TGTC) is supported by the National Science Foundation and the University of Texas at Austin. Everyone is welcome. There are no registration fees. (However, we can no longer accept requests for support.) Please see the registration page.
TGTC is committed to the strengthening and enrichment of the mathematics personnel base. Graduate students, junior faculty, women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to participate and to apply for support.
Further information on the history of the Texas Geometry and Topology Conference can be found at the TGTC archive
Lewis Bowen (
Jeff Cheeger (Courant)
structures on metric measure spaces
Tom Farrell (
Joel Hass (UC-Davis) Harmonic maps and the stabilization of Heegaard
Chikako Mese (Johns
Hossein Namazi (
Yi Ni (
Stefano Vidussi (UC
Riverside) Twisted Alexander
polynomials and fibered 3-manifolds
The conference takes place in Robert Lee Moore Hall (RLM).
Talks are in the mathematics lecture room RLM 6.104.
Breaks are in the Vaughn Lounge, RLM 12.104.
The schedule is below. Click here for a printable version.
5:00-7:00 Registration and complimentary buffet
Lounge, RLM 12.104)
7:00-8:00 Hossein Namazi: Splittings, Hyperbolic Geometry and Models (RLM
9:00-10:00 Coffee, tea, juice, and bagels (Vaughn
Lounge, RLM 12.104)
10:00-11:00 Yi
Ni: Dehn
surgeries that reduce the Thurston norm of a fibered manifold (RLM
11:30-12:30 Chikako
Mese: Harmonic maps in
singular spaces (RLM
12:30-2:00 Lunch (Click here for
some suggestions.)
Stefano Vidussi: Twisted
Alexander polynomials and fibered 3-manifolds (RLM
3:00-3:30 Coffee, tea, and snacks (Vaughn
Lounge, RLM 12.104)
3:30-4:30 Joel
Hass: Harmonic maps and the stabilization of Heegaard splittings (RLM
5:00-6:00 Jeff
Cheeger: Differentiable
structures on metric measure spaces (RLM
7:00-9:00 Conference bienvenidos
9:00-10:00 Coffee, tea, juice, and bagels (Vaughn
Lounge, RLM 12.104)
10:00-11:00 Lewis
Bowen: Free subgroups of
lattices (RLM
11:30-12:30 Tom
Farrell: The space of
negatively-curved metrics on a closed manifold (RLM
Everyone planning to
attend TGTC should register here
Note that the deadline for requesting support (Friday, September 19, 2008) has passed.
If you need lodging in
Public transportation in Austin
Austin Airport Flyer
bus schedule
An interactive guide to nearby restaurants
The organizers, Alan Reid and Dan Knopf, thank the National Science Foundation and UT-Austin for their support.
The image of the Alexander horned sphere (above) is in the public domain; it comes from Wikimedia Commons.