MATH 372K (55725): Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and Applications – Fall 23
Instructor: Irene M. Gamba (
Office hrs: Thursdays
1 to 2pm
Room: PMA 7.104 - T-Th 11:00AM-12:30 pm
Required text:
Textbook: Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series
and Boundary Value Problems (5th Edition) (Featured Titles for Partial
Differential Equations) by Richard Haberman
(4th edition works as well)
Complementary textbook: Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and
Engineers (Dover Books on Mathematics) by Stanley J. Farlow
M427K, with a grade of at least C. One of (linear algebra
courses) M311K or M340C or M341 or M346 and/or M361K or M365C is also
Exams: There will be
three midterm exams. The tentative dates are
Midterm Exam 1: Tuesday
October 3rd - in class test.
There is no Final exam for
this class
Course grading policy:
points Homework +
300 points Midterms ( 2 at 150 each)
Exam policy: Books are not permitted during midterms. A valid photo ID
must be available to be checked at all exams. Make-up exams will not be given
so please remember the appropriate exam dates. Exceptions
will be considered under extraordinary circumstances ONLY. This includes
illness or observance of a religious holiday (with 2 weeks advance
notice). Proper documentation (such as a doctor's note) is required in all
help preserve our in-person learning environment, the university recommends the
· Adhere to
university mask
Masks are strongly recommended, but optional, inside university buildings for
vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, except when alone in a private office
or single-occupant cubicle.
· Vaccinations
are widely available,
free and not billed to health insurance. The vaccine will help protect against
the transmission of the virus to others and reduce serious symptoms in those
who are vaccinated.
· Proactive
Community Testing remains
an important part of the university’s efforts to protect our community. Tests
are fast and free.
· We encourage the
use of the Protect
Texas App
each day prior to coming to campus.
· If you develop
COVID-19 symptoms or feel sick, stay home and contact the University Health Services’ Nurse Advice Line
at 512-475-6877. If you need to be absent from class, contact Student
Emergency Services
and they will notify your professors. In addition, to help understand what to
do if you have been had close contact with someone who tested positive for
COVID-19, see this University
Health Services link.
· Behavior
Concerns and COVID-19 Advice Line (BCCAL) remains
available as the primary tool to address questions or concerns from the
university community about COVID-19.
· Students who test
positive should contact BCCAL or self-report (if
tested off campus) to University
Health Services.
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