
This semester, the Fall of 2021, I am employed as a Graduate Research Assistant, and have no teaching duties.

In the Spring of 2021, I was a TA for the class MATH 408C: Differential/Integral Calculus, taught by Zachary Miner

In the Fall Semester of 2020, I was TA for the clasMATH 427L: Vector Calculus, taught by Theresa Martines.

In the Spring Semester of 2020, I was a TA for the prelim class MATH 380D: Algebra II, taught by Mirela Ciperiani.

In the Fall Semester of 2019, I was a TA for the class MATH 408M: Multivariable Calculus, under the instructor Nicky Reyes.

Office hours: upon request (Contact me!)