Guadalupe x Big Bend trip plan

Trip details for Guadalupe/Big Bend trip spring break 2024
  1. Packing List
    1. Group items
    2. Essentials for individuals
  2. Schedule
    1. Monday
    2. Tuesday
    3. Wednesday
    4. Thursday
    5. Friday

Packing List

We won't be able to restock food/water until the end of day 3 (Wednesday). Keep this in mind. Note also that I am infamous for overpacking water. I personally prefer to carry extra at the expense of my back and hips, but do your own research. You may conclude that 2L a day is sufficient for you, in which case you could get away with packing only 6-7L, especially since we will stop by the car relatively early on Wednesday.

Group items

Spreadsheet link

Essentials for individuals




Driving, 7 miles backpacking

Route for the day


11+ miles backpacking

Route option 1: short variation (1 peak, ~ 11 miles)

Route option 2: medium variation (1 peak, ~ 12 miles)

Route option 3: long variation (2 peaks, ~ 15.5 miles)


Book it back to the car, drop bags and summit Guadalupe peak, drive to Big Bend



Do the canyon, if there is extra time perhaps we can check out some of big bend proper

Brujas Canyon


Check out big bend, drive back

©Isaac Martin. Last modified: April 15, 2024.