Algebraic Curves Lecture 11

The 11th lecture of algebraic curves by Karl Christ
  1. Riemann existence theorem
  2. Low genus examples

Last week, we saw

  1. there exists a unique g21g^1_2 on any hyperelliptic curve with g2g \geq 2.

  2. KXK_X is very ample if and only if XX is not hyperelliptic.

Proposition: If CPnC\subseteq \mathbb P^n is a complete intersection curve and is smooth of genus at least 2, then CC is not hyperelliptic.

Proof.   NC/Pn=OPn(d)N_{C/\mathbb P^n} = \bigoplus \mathcal O_{\mathbb P^n}(d), n1NC/P1=OPn(di)C\bigwedge^{n-1} N_{C/\mathbb P^1} = \mathcal O_{\mathbb P^n}(\sum d_i)|_C. The canonical bundle of CC is given by

KC=(KPnn1NC/Pn)C=OPn(din1)C,\begin{aligned} K_C = \left(K_{\mathbb P^n} \otimes \bigwedge^{n-1} N_{C/\mathbb P^n}\right)|_C = \mathcal O_{\mathbb P^n}(\sum d_i - n - 1)|_C, \end{aligned}
where we've used adjunction and the fact that KPn=OPn(n1)K_{\mathbb P^n} = \mathcal O_{\mathbb P^n}(-n-1). Since g(C)2g(C) \geq 2, we need to have din1>0\sum d_i - n - 1 > 0.

Through any pair of points pp and qq on CC, we can find a hypersurface of degree din1\sum d_i- n - 1 which passes through pp but not qq (this is true as long as din1>0\sum d_i -n - 1 > 0). This works for double points as well -- we can find such a hypersurface which vanishes to order 1 at a specified point. Since KCK_C is cut out by hypersurfaces, this means KCK_C is very ample, hence CC is not hyperelliptic curve by (2) above.


Riemann existence theorem

Question: If given a P1\mathbb P^1 with specified branch points p1,...,pbP1p_1,...,p_b\in \mathbb P^1, can you find a corresponding cover XP1X\to \mathbb P^1 whose branch points are precisely these pip_i?

First attempt at constructing this: You want a cover of P1\mathbb P^1 that is unramified away from the pip_i. So consider first P1{p1,...,pb}\mathbb P^1 \setminus \{p_1,...,p_b\} topologically. The fundamental group of this is generated by loops γi\gamma_i based at p0p_0 and going around pip_i. They are subject to the relation γi=id\prod \gamma_i = \operatorname{id}. This means that interchanging any of these two generators corresponds to permuting the sheets of the cover.

For any cover Xd:1P1X\xrightarrow{d:1} \mathbb P^1 branched at the pip_i, then we have dd sheets and therefore we get a group homomorphism

π1(P1{p1,...,pb},p0)Sd.\begin{aligned} \pi_1(\mathbb P^1\setminus \{p_1,...,p_b\}, p_0) \to S_d. \end{aligned}

Thus we get permutations τiSd\tau_i\in S_d such that

i=1dτi=id.\begin{aligned} \prod_{i=1}^d\tau_i = \operatorname{id}. \end{aligned}

These permutations additionally must generate a transitive subgroup of SdS_d, if we want XX to be connected.

Note 1 at this point: We haven't prescribed ramificaiton indices to the points pip_i, but they are encoded in this picture as well. As constructed, the ramification index of pip_i corresponds to the "number of sheets" in the cover of P1{m}inus{p1,...,pb}\mathbb P^1\set minus \{p_1,...,p_b\} which meet at pip_i, and this number is equal to the number of cycles in the cycle decomposition of τi\tau_i. To see this, consider the analytic picture: locally near pip_i, the map will be given zzriz \mapsto z^{r_i} where rir_i is the ramification index of pip_i.
Note 2 at this point: We're trying to construct XX and a map to P1\mathbb P^1 by first constructing a topological cover UP1{m}inus{p1,...,pb}U\to \mathbb P^1\set minus \{p_1,...,p_b\} and then gluing our branch points back in. One way to construct this cover is to take U=U~×{p1,...,pb}/GU = \widetilde U \times \{p_1,...,p_b\}/G, where U~\widetilde{U} is the universal cover and G=π1(P1{m}inus{p1,...,pb},p0)G = \pi_1(\mathbb P^1\set minus \{p_1,...,p_b\}, p_0) acts diagonally by deck transformation.

This leads us to a theorem that says constructing a cover in this way is always possible.

Theorem: (Riemann Existence). There is a bijection between degree d covers XP1X\to \mathbb P^1 simply branched over p1,...,pbp_1,...,p_b up to isomorphism and transpositions τiSd\tau_i\in S_d (1ib1\leq i\leq b) such that τi=id\prod \tau_i = \operatorname{id} and the group generated by the τi\tau_i acts transitively on {1,...,d}\{1,...,d\} up to simultaneous conjugation by an element in SdS_d.

Example: For any even number bb of branch points there is a unique hyperelliptic curve XX with X2:1P1X\rightarrow{2:1} \mathbb P^1 is branched over the pip_i. Riemann-Hurwitz says
[2g2=di(2h2)+deg(R)]\begin{aligned} [2g - 2 = d_i (2h - 2) + \deg(R)] \end{aligned}
2g2=4+b    b=2g+2.\begin{aligned} 2g - 2 = -4 + b \iff b = 2g + 2. \end{aligned}
The dimension of the space of hyperelliptic curves of genus gg is 2g+23=2g12g + 2 - 3 = 2g - 1.

Note that this theorem only works when the base field is C\mathbb C. Moving from the topological construction of the cover Ud:1P1{p1,...,pb}U\xrightarrow{d:1} \mathbb P^1\setminus \{p_1,...,p_b\} as we sketched above to an algebraic cover XP1X\to \mathbb P^1 requires that there is a unique complex structure we can impose on XX. The analytic picture is therefore quite essential in this case.

Example: (Degree 3 simply ramified covers.) The relevant permutation group is S3S_3. Then 2g2=6+b    b=2g+42g - 2 = -6 + b \iff b = 2g +4. If I choose 2g+32g + 3 transpositions, their composition is again a transposition. Then 32g+336\frac{3^{2g + 3} - 3}{6} is the number of simpy ramified degree 3 covers XP1X\to \mathbb P^1 with g(X)=gg(X) = g and branched over fixed points p1,...,pbp_1,...,p_b up to isomorphism.

Example: For a fixed ramification profile, there does not need to exist a cover of that profile, even if the numerics of Riemann-Hurwitz are satisfied: for d=4d = 4, {(2)(2),(2)(2),(3)}\{(2)(2), (2)(2), (3)\}. Then 2g2=8+6=22g - 2 = -8 + 6 = -2 which implies g=0g = 0. But there are no elements τ1,τ2,τ3S4\tau_1,\tau_2,\tau_3 \in S_4 of types (2)(2),(2)(2)(2)(2), (2)(2) and (3)(3) such that τi=id\prod \tau_i = \operatorname{id}.

It's a very open question to determine which covers are allowed and which are not.

Low genus examples

Genus 2: Any genus 2 curve is hyperelliptic, and the unique g21g^1_2 is the canonical sheaf. The number of branch points allowed by a map XP1X\to \mathbb P^1 is 2=4+b    b=62 = -4 + b \iff b = 6. Morally, genus 22 curves are paramterized by (P1)3(\mathbb P^1)^3. We have an action of S6S_6 on {(0,1,)}×(P1)3\{(0,1,\infty)\}\times (\mathbb P^1)^3 given on (0,1,,p1,p2,p3)(0,1,\infty, p_1,p_2,p_3) given by applying the permutation naturally on the 6-tuple and then applying an automorphism of P1\mathbb P^1 to each coordinate so that the first three coordinates are again 00, 11 and \infty. Removing 0,10,1 and \infty from each copy of P1\mathbb P^1 as the diagonal from the product (P1)3(\mathbb P^1)^3 makes this action free, allowing us to take a quotient giving us the moduli space M2M_2:

M2=(A1{0,1,}3Δ/S6,dim=3=2g1=3g3.\begin{aligned} M_2 = (\mathbb A^1 \setminus \{0,1,\}^3 \setminus \Delta / S^6, \hspace{1cm} \operatorname{dim} = 3 = 2g - 1 = 3g - 3. \end{aligned}

Genus 33: If XX is not hyperelliptic then φKX\varphi_{K_X} realizes XX as a degree 2g2=42g - 2 = 4 curve in Pg1=P2\mathbb P^{g - 1} = \mathbb P^2. Conversely, any smooth plane quartic is a canonically embedded genus 22 curve. Indeed, by adjunction,

KC=(OP2(3+4))C=OP2(1)C.\begin{aligned} K_C = (\mathcal O_{\mathbb P^2}(-3 + 4))|_C = \mathcal O_{\mathbb P^2}(1)|_C. \end{aligned}

Suppose CC is hyperelliptic with g21g^1_2 with g21=OC(p+q)g^1_2 = \mathcal O_C(p+q). Then 2=h0(OC(p+q)2 = h^0(\mathcal O_C(p+q) . Then

2=h0(OC(p+q))=23+1+h0(KCpq).\begin{aligned} 2 = h^0(\mathcal O_C(p+q)) = 2 - 3 + 1 + h^0(K_C - p - q). \end{aligned}

But for geometric reasons h0(Kcpq)=1h^0(K_c - p - q) = 1. The dimension of the space of non-hyperelliptic genus 3 curves thus is h0(OP2(4))18=(62)g=15g=6h^0(\mathcal O_{\mathbb P^2}(4)) - 1 - 8 = \binom{6}{2} - g = 15 - g = 6. As before, the space of hyperelliptic curves has dimension 2g1=52g - 1 = 5.

©Isaac Martin. Last modified: April 05, 2024.