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Algebraic Curves Lecture 12:

The 12th lecture of algebraic curves by Karl Christ
  1. Continuing Examples
  2. Maps to P3\mathbb P^3 and P2\mathbb P^2

Continuing Examples

We're going to continue a series of examples we began last class. As a reminder, we're looking to compute the dimension of Mg\mathcal M_g for low genus.

Example: Take g=4g = 4. The locus of hyperelliptic curves has dimension 77 and is parameterized by varying the right number of branch points on P1\mathbb P^1 (as before).

If XX is not hyperelliptic, KXK_X is very ample and realizes XX as a curve of degree 66 in P3\mathbb P^3. Let's first study what kind of curve we end up with in P3\mathbb P^3. Consider the space H0(OP3(2))H^0(\mathcal O_{\mathbb P^3}(2)) of degree 22 polynomials over P3\mathbb P^3 together with the restriction map H0(OP3(2))H0(OX(2))H^0(\mathcal O_{\mathbb P^3}(2)) \to H^0(\mathcal O_{X}(2)).

Thus there must exist a quadric QP3Q \subset \mathbb P^3 such that XQX \subset Q. If XX were to lie on a second quadric it would follow that deg(X)4\deg(X) \leq 4. But deg(X)=6\deg(X) = 6. Thus there is a unique quadric QQ which contains XX (it is a general fact that the intersection of a degree d1d_1 hypersurface and a degree d2d_2 hypersurface in P3\mathbb P^3 results in a degree d1d2d_1 \cdot d_2 curve in P3\mathbb P^3, as long as the hypersurfaces intersect transversally).

Consider then the map H0(OP3(3)H0(OX(3))H^0(\mathcal O_{\mathbb P^3}(3) \to H^0(\mathcal O_X(3)).

There is thus at least a 44 dimensional family of cubics containing XX. Of this family, a 3-dimensional family consists of cubics of the form QHQ\cup H. This implies there is an irreducible cubic CC containing XX. Then CQC\cap Q is a degree 6 curve containing XX and hence must be equal to XX.

Conversely, if XX is a complete intersection of a quadric and a cubic, then by adjunction

KX=(OP3(54))X=(OP3(1))X.\begin{aligned} K_X = (\mathcal O_{\mathbb P^3}(5 - 4))|_X = (\mathcal O_{\mathbb P^3}(1))|_X. \end{aligned}
The intersection of a quadric and a cubic is a canonically embedded genus 4 curve (if smooth).


3g3=(101)+(204)115=9.\begin{aligned} 3g - 3 = (10 - 1) + (20 - 4) - 1 - 15 = 9. \end{aligned}

Remark: Why 3g33g - 3? If XX is a curve and LL a line bundle with deg(L)=g+1\deg(L) = g + 1 then Riemann-Roch tells us h0(L)2h^0(L) \geq 2. "The general line bundle of degree g+1g + 1 satisfies h0(L)=2h^0(L) = 2. There is a gg-dimensional space of line bundles of degree g+1g+1". That h0(L)=2h^0(L) = 2 means I get a cover XP1X\to \mathbb P^1, and by Riemann-Hurwitz 2g2=2(g+1)+b2g - 2 = -2(g + 1) + b where bb is the number of branch points. This means 4g=b4g = b. We expect to have a 4g34g - 3 dimensional space of covers of P1\mathbb P^1 by genus gg curves of degree g+1g + 1. Thus we would expect that there is a 3g33g - 3 dimensional space of genus gg curves.

Maps to P3\mathbb P^3 and P2\mathbb P^2

We saw already that any curve can be embedded in Pg+1\mathbb P^{g+1}. This is because line bundles become very ample once d2g+1d \geq 2g + 1, in which case Riemann-Roch tells us the global sections of a line bundle LL have dimension h0(L)=g+2h^0(L) = g + 2. The claim is that we can do better.

Interlude on Grassmanians

As a set, Gr(k,V)\mathbb{Gr}(k,V) is the set of kk-dimensional subspaces of a vector space VV. When k=1k = 1 or k=dimV1k = \operatorname{dim} V - 1, this is just projective space P(V)\mathbb P(V). (See Harris: Basic algebraic geometry for a good reference constructing this variety in terms of coordinates). Consider the Plücker embedding

Gr(k,V)P(kV)Wv1...vk\begin{aligned} \mathbb{Gr}(k,V) &\to \mathbb P(\bigwedge^k V) \\ W &\mapsto v_1\wedge ... \wedge v_k \end{aligned}

where v1,...,vkv_1,...,v_k is a basis of WW. The image is the indecomposable elements of kV\bigwedge^k V. It's also an injective (hence is an embedding). Indeed, given an indecomposable λP(kV)\lambda \in \mathbb P(\bigwedge^k V) then the vector space

Wλ={ωV  λω=0}\begin{aligned} W_\lambda = \{\omega \in V ~\mid~ \lambda \wedge \omega = 0\} \end{aligned}

is the unique subspace of VV mapped to λ\lambda.

Now, fix a basis e1,...,ene_1,...,e_n of VV and a basis v1,...,vkv_1,...,v_k of WW. Then the Plücker coordinates are the k×kk\times k minors of the k×nk\times n matrix with columns the v1...vnv_1\wedge...\wedge v_n.

©Isaac Martin. Last modified: February 21, 2024.