defined by s1⊗s2↦s1s2. We saw that when X has genus 3, then μ0 is injective if and only if L≅g21. Let's expand a bit more on this example:
Proposition: (Base point free pencil trick). Let L be a line bundle on X and s1,s2∈H0(X,L) be linearly independent global sections. Denote by V the span {s1,s2} and let F be another locally free sheaf. Then the kernel of the tensor product map
is H0(X,F⊗L−1(B)) where B is the base locus of V.
Proof. Pick an element s1⊗t2−s2⊗t1∈ker(φ). I can write any element of the kernel like this because s1 and s2 form a basis for V. Let si=s⋅ri with s∈H0(X,OX(B)) a global section of L vanishing on V with r1∈V(−B)⊆L(−B). This is confusing, so here's a disambiguation:
ri is an element of V(−B)
Di is the vanishing locus of ri, it's a divisor on X
L(−B)≅OX(Di) and
s∈H0(X,OX(B)). So
si∈H0(X,L), and the divisor given by the vanishing of si is (si)0=B+Di.
By assumption, s1⋅t2−s2⋅t1=0. This implies r1⋅t2−r2⋅t1=0 where r1 and r2 do not have common zeroes. This in turn means ti vanishes along Di.
Write τi=riti. Since ti∈H0(X,F) and 1/ri∈H0(X,L−1(B)), τi is a rational section of F⊗L−1(B) (the inverse of L(−B) is L−1(B)). In fact, it is a regular section, because the zeros of ri and ti cancel each other out. This means τi∈H0(X,F⊗L−1(B)).
I now have sections τ1 and τ2, and I want to show they are equal. This follows since ti=riτi and hence