@def mintoclevel=2 @def maxtoclevel=3
The 19th lecture of algebraic curves by Karl Christ
Recall the following proposition from last time:
We then had the following corollary, and we had some confusion regarding the numerics of the statement:
Proof. Let \(\mu_0:H^0(X,L)\otimes H^0(X,K_X-L) \to H^0(X,K_X)\) be the Petri map. Then
Now suppose that \(L\) is a \(g^1_2\) and \(F\) is a basepoint free \(g^1_3\),
I think the above is missing details – cross reference with Karl's notes.
Motivating Question: Given \(C\subset \mathbb P^r\) of degree \(d\), what is the largest possible value for \(g(C)\)?
Example of remark:
Take \(Q_1\cap Q_2\) has genus 1 and degree 4.
\(\mathbb P^1 \to \mathbb P^3\) given by \([x,y] \mapsto [x^4 : x^3y : x^2y^2 : y^4]\), where One of the monomials is omitted. This has genus \(0\) and degree \(4\).
This remark illustrates that the best we can hope for is a bound on the genus. One bound that we've already seen, at least in \(\mathbb P^2\), comes from the genus-degree formula:
which we obtained from the adjunction formula. We also saw that any curve in \(\mathbb P^r\) projects to a singular curve of the same degree in \(\math P^2\). From this it follows that
for \(C\) non-degenerate whenever \(r\geq 3\). We can get a better bound, however.
Here's the plan: estimate the dimension of \(\alpha_\ell = r(\ell D)\) where \(D = C\cap H\) with \(H\) a general hyperplane in \(\mathbb P^r\). We know that \(D\) has degree \(d\) – that's our assumption – and so for high enough value of \(\ell\), \(r(\ell \cdot D)\) will exceed \(d/2\). Clifford's bound says that the rank of a line bundle within the special range is bounded by \(d/2\), so the line bundle corresponding to \(\ell D\) must fall outside the special range. Riemann-Roch then allows us to calculate the rank precisely; it's \(\ell\cdot d - g\). Rearranging will then give us a bound on the genus.
Let \(E_\ell \subset |\ell D|\) given by the restriction of degree \(\ell\) hyperplanes in \(\mathbb P^r\) to \(C\):
Set \(\beta_\ell = \operatorname{dim} E_\ell\). Then \(D+E_{\ell - 1}\subseteq E_\ell\) hence \(\beta_{\ell - 1}\leq \operatorname{dim} E_\ell(-D)\). So
We have a short exact sequence
where \(I_C(\ell)\) is the sheaf of ideals defining \(C\) twisted by \(\ell\). Passing to the long exact sequence of cohomology gives us a portion saying that
The rightmost map above need not by surjective, so we get
However \(E_\ell\) is precisely the image of \(H^0(\mathcal O_{\mathbb P^r}(\ell))\) in \(H^0(\mathcal O_C(\ell))\), so
Now, thinking of \(D\) as a subset of points in \(C\), we have a short exact sequence
where the map \(\psi\) fits into a commutative triangle with
This implies
Geometrically, this is the number of conditions imposed by the points of \(D\) on the hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb P^r\), so the intersection points of \(C\) with a general degree \(\ell\) hyperplane of \(\mathbb P^r\). Note that when the points of \(D\) aren't sufficiently general, fewer conditions are imposed than expected. We're going to use the above difference as a bound, so we're looking for the worst configuration of points which impose the least number of conditions.
Before we prove this lemma, let's expalin a little more.
If \(\ell = 2\), then the points impose at least \(2r - 1\) conditions on quadrics.
If \(\ell = 3\), then the points impose at least \(5\) conditions on quadrics in \(\mathbb P^2\) for any \(d\geq 5\) points that are linearly general ( no three points are colinear, no four points are coplanar, etc).
Now let's prove the lemma.
Proof. Assume the interesting case of the lemma, that the minimum is achieved by \(\ell(r - 1) + 1\) so \(\ell(r-1)+1 \leq d\). Order the points:
Now consider \(F = \prod^ell_{i = 1}L_i\) which has degree \(\ell\) and vanishes on \(p_1,...,p_{\ell(r-1)}\) but not on \(p_d\).
We're left with the case that \(d < \ell(r - 1) + 1\)...