A discussion of the fundamental notions of algebraic curves: definition of a curve, facts about maps between smooth curves, divisors.
Let be an algebraically closed field (unless otherwise stated) of characteristic 0.
In particular, our curves will always be irreducible (this follows from the connected hypothesis + Zariski topology weirdness).
The category of curves is equivalent to that of Riemann-surfaces, i.e. complete 1-dimensional -manifolds. (Included here is a picture of a genus 2 surface.) I was unfamiliar with the term "complete manifold", so here's a convenient link to the Wikipedia page.
The category of curves is equivalent to the category of finitely generated field extensions of of transcendence degree 1. This is given simply by associating to a curve its field of rational functions.
The second statement above is equivalent to saying that the field of rational functions of a curve entirely determine the curve's isomorphism class. This in particular fails for higher dimensional varieties; any two birational varieties have isomorphic fields of rational functions. Thus
Again, this clearly fails for non-smooth curves. Take the cuspoidal cubic for instance; it is birationally equivalent to via (one should projectivize this argument but you get the idea). Alternatively, take a nodal cubic and blow up at the node to resolve it. The blowup map is then an isomorphism away from the singularity.
Recall the difference betwen finite and finite type: it's about generation as an algebra vs as a module. A morphism is finite type if it is affine and if over each affine is a finitely generated algebra of . The morphism is finite if it is affine and if over each affine is finitely generated module of .
The three equalities above represent the equivalence of arithmetic and geometric genus for smooth curves.
A divisor on a curve is a formal linear combination of points on :
where and only finitely many .
The degree of a divisor is .
A divisor is called effective if for all .
If is a non-constant morphism of curves and , then
where is a local parameter of (also known as the uniformizer. Extending this linearly gives us a pullback of divisors on to divisors on :
Let [i.e. ] then define
Any divisor is called a principal divisor. Two divisors and are linearly equivalent if is principal. In this case, we write .
Vague Note: We call this "linearly equivalence" because the two divisors vary by a linear family, since is our prototype of a "line".
To any divisor we can associate an invertible sheaf, denoted , defined to be the sheaf of rational functions such that is effective. This is invertible