We had a curve C⊆Pr and a divisor D=H∩C given by intersecting C with a hyperplane H. Set αℓ=rank(ℓD), Eℓ⊆H0(C,ℓ⋅D) given as the image of H0(Pr,OPr(ℓ))→H0(C,ℓ⋅D) and βℓ=rank(Eℓ). Note that in particular αℓ≥βℓ.
With these definitions we have that
which is the "number of conditions imposed by D on hyperplanes of degree ℓ. The long exact sequence on cohomology gives
and Sℓ=dim(kerφ). We wanted to estimate Sℓ, and we had this theorem that said as long as the points comprising D are in general linear position (which we can assume as long as H is generic) then Sℓ≥min{ℓ(r−1),1} implies
This means that m⋅D is non-special, and hence αm=d⋅m−g+1. Our original motivation for this whole thing was to find a bound on the genus of C, so rearranging, we get
where ϵ is the integer required so that d−1=(r−1)m+ϵ with 0≤ϵ<r−1. This is precisely Castlenuova's bound.
Theorem: (Castelnuovo's bound): Let C⊆Pr be a non-degenerate curve of degree d. Then g(C)≤(2m)(r−1)+m⋅ϵ=:π(r,d).
r=3 so then ⌊2d−1=m⌋=m.
Case 1:d=2k+1, m=k and ϵ=0 so 2⋅(2k)=k(k−1).
Case 2:d=2k,m=k−1,ϵ=1 so 2⋅(2k−1)+(k−1)=(k−1)2.
Observation: Fix r. for large d, we get asymptotically π(r,d)∼2(r−1)d2.
A curve is called (Castelnuovo) extremal if it satisfies g(C)=π(r,d). The only way this is possible is if
for all ℓ≤m. Increasing ℓ by one increases βℓ by min{d,ℓ(r−1)+1}. This implies
is surjective.
Definition: In this case, C is called projectively normal. C is called ℓ-normal if φℓ is surjective.
Cor: Any extremal curve is projectively normal (by the above).
C is ℓ-normal if and only if C is embedded by complete linear series.
If X is a genus 4 curve, L a curve of degree 7, then h0(X,L)=7−4+1=4.
Black box: A general such L in (2) above is very ample hence gives an embedding X→P3 with image of degree 7. Examining the map
we see that the domain has dimension (35)=10 and the codomain has dimension 14−4+1=11, hence φ2 cannot be surjective. This implies φ2(X) is 1-normal but not 2-normal.