This means the points in C∩H impose independent conditions on quadrics in Pr which in turn implies the points also impose independent conditions on all hypersurfaces of degree ℓ≥2.
Now consider the exact sequence of the ideal sheaf IC∩H given by
for all ℓ≥2, since OPr(ℓ)→OC∩H(ℓ) is surjective on global sections whenever ℓ≥2. We'd like to show that H1(C,IC∩H(1)=1 too. We have that
where IC∩H is the ideal sheaf of C∩H inside of Pr and IC∩HH(ℓ) is the ideal sheaf of C∩H inside of H≅Pr−1. This exact sequence comes from the fact that...I'm not sure. Will need to consult the notes.
Thus, rational normal curves are projectively normal.
Theorem: (Griffths, Harris page 528 - 531).
Through any r+3 points in Pr in linear general position, there is a unique rational normal curve.
Fix integers d and r such that r≥2 and d≥2r+3. Let Γ⊆Pr be d points in linear general position. Then Γ lines on a rational normal curve if and only if Γ imposes 2r+1 conditions on quadrics.
The rational normal scrolls will be surfaces which contain our extremal curves. Fix a1 and a2 such that a1≥a2, a1≥0a2≥0 and a1+a2>r−1. Fix subspaces L1 and L2 such that L1 and L2 span Pr and dim(Li)=ai. Let Ci⊆Ci⊆Li be a rational normal curve and fix an isomorphism φ:C1→C2. Then
Xa1,a2=p∈C1⋃{line connecting P to φ(P)}.
Take r=2, then X0,1≅P2.
Take r=3. Then X0,2− cone over a conic, X1,1≅P1×P1.
Take r=4. Then X1,2BLpP2.
An Observation: Up to linear automorphisms of Pr this construction does not depend on the choices made other than a1 and a2.
Xa1,a2 is a non-degenerate surface
The degree of Xa1,a2 is a1+a2=r−1
Xa1,a2 is non-singular if a1=0.
First, span(ci)=Li and span(L1∪L2)=Pr. Any linear subspace H⊃Xa1,a2 needs to contain the Ci⟹Li⊂H, hence span(L1∪L2)⊂H⟹H=Pr.
Xa1,a2∩H=C2+∑i=1a1Li. Thus the degree of Xa1,a2 is equal to the degree of Xa1,a2∩H which is a1+a2.
Xa1,a2∩Hp. For any p, I can choose Hp such that Xa1,a2∩Hp is smooth at p as long as a1=0. Then
which implies Xa1,a2∩H⊂H is a rational normal curve if smooth.
Any surface in Pr that is non-degenerate has degree at least r−1.
If it has degree r−1, it is either a rational normal scroll or P2→P5.
What about the Picard group of Xa1,a2? This is generated freely by the class L of a line in the ruling and by H the class of a hyperplane section. Note that you can write H=C1+a2⋅L=C2+a1⋅L, so you can choose the class of one of the curves instead of H if you prefer. Some intersection pairings: