The 25th lecture of algebraic curves by Karl Christ
We saw that , the image curves, is cut out by quadrics when is trigonal or isomorphic to a plane quintic (Enriques-Babbage). Have one more remark about this:
Remark: What the argument showed is that its set theoretically cut out by quadrics. You can actually show that it is scheme-theoretically cut out by quadrics. That is, is cut out by quadrics as a scheme; the defining ideal of is generated by the intersection of the quadrics.
In general, is cut out by quadrics and cubics (Petri's theorem).
Our final example of extremal curves will be curves. In this case, is canonically embedded of degree and there are linearly independent quadrics vanishing on . Call them .
If , then lies on and is trigonal with cut out by the ruling on .
Otherwise, is a complete intersection of the 3 quadrics: .
The following image from Hartshorne IV Section 6 summarizes what we know about the existence of curves of degree and genus in :
All possible values of below the line exist, and they will be embedded in by a non-special line bundle. We know everything in degree using what we've discussed thus far in class.
The first case in this image that isn't covered by the methods thus far discussed in class is the point .
First try: suppose it lives on a quadric. Then it has bidegree and and . This implies and .
Second try: take an abstract curve of genus . We want on such that and (we're forgetting about the geometry of an embedding into for a moment). Then by Riemann-Roch
meaning and . We also want this line bundle to be very ample so that it embedds as a smooth curve into .
If is very ample, then for all . This comes from our condition of very ampleness; subtracting any two points must lower the dimension of the space of global sections by . Thus
This is the case if and only if is not trigonal and is not hyperelliptic. (A curve is trigonal if it admits a basepoint free .)
Now suppose and . Such a curve would need to lie on a quadric:
The domain has dimension . The dimension of the domain is bounded by by Clifford:
and if we have equality then , which is not very ample, so . We thus have a linear map from something dimensional to something dimensional, meaning we have nontrivial kernel and hence lies on a quadric in . This in turn implies that has bidegree , so
and since is prime, and . These don't sum to , however. Thus there exists no curve of degree and genus .
Theorem: Let be a smooth curve of degree and genus .
If then and for any such values there exists a curve
If , some quadric in , then there exists integers such that .
If is not contained in a quadric, then , and in this case a curve exists.
There are a few ways to construct curves of this type.
Take a curve of bidegree on a quadric surface in . Then and , as desired.
can be calculated via the short exact sequence
and twisting by . You'll get that .
Take to be a complete intersection of two cubics. Then , taking gives as needed.