Let MK denote the locus of matrices of rank ≤k, and note that this is a subset of M(n,m). This is called the generic determinantal variety. We can realize MK as a variety in the following way. Define this auxiliary object
consisting of all tuples (A,W) where A is a n×m matrix and W is a (n−k)-dimensional subset of kn where W⊂kerA. We then get a map φ:M~k→Mk, and it is generically 1 to 1: if A∈Mk has rank k then φ−1(A)=(A,kerA).
Let π2 denote the projection onto the second component:
For H∈Gr(n−k,n), the fiber of π2∣M~k consists of all the A∈M(n,m) which vanish on H. This is isomorphic to Am−k (to see this, row reduce A).
It is true that M~k is irreducible, and hence Mk is irreducible since φ is surjective. We (meaning those of us in class) don't know why M~k is irreducible, it would follow from the properness of π2 except that π2 isn't proper, so for now we simply accept that M~k is irreducible.
Lemma:Gr(e,ℓ) has dimension e⋅(ℓ−e).
Proof. Fix H∈Gr(ℓ−e,ℓ) and let V be the ℓ-dimensional vector space whose ℓ−e dimensional subspaces Gr(ℓ−e,ℓ) parameterizes. Let λ∈(⋀eV)∗ and U⊆Gr(e,ℓ) be the set given by λ=0. Then U is the subset of e-dimensional subspaces transversal to H. Any element in U can be identified with the graph of a linear function V/H→H. Elaborating: each choice of H gives you a split short exact sequence H→V→V/H, which in turn gives you a map V/H→H. Conversely, if you have a surjective map V→B with B isomorphic to V/H, you get a subspace H in V so that H⊕B≅V.
This means
Note that (ℓ−e)⋅e is the product of the dimension of H with the dimension of an element in U.
We have a Plucker embedding Gr(e,ℓ)↪(⋀eV)∗, and so these U's actually give us the affine charts of Gr(e,ℓ).
Suppose m=n, k=m−1. Then M(n,m)Mm−1=GL(m) and Mm−1 is given by the vanishing of the determinant.
Suppose k=1 and that A has rank at most 1⟺A=ut⋅v. Then M1(n,m) is the image of the Segre map An×Am→An−m. A quadric surface in P3 is the projectivization of M1(2,2). (This is what we keep encountering, a quadric surface embeds in P1×P1⊂P3 embedded in P3 via the Segre embedding).
The following is a determinantal variety, and it is true that Xa1,a2=M1(2,r+1)∩Hi where Hi is a hyperplane given by x1,2=x2,1,x1,3=x2,2,...
For a variety X over k and p∈X a point, we define the tangent space of X at p by
Example: Consider THGr(k,V). Given a map
and a basis ω1,...,ωk a basis of H, we obtain a relative basis ωi+ϵ⋅vi. Conversely, a map ω↦vi gives a linear map H→V/H. This should be enough to convince oneself that
Take π:Mk→Mk to be the projection map. Then π∗T(A,W)Mk⊆TAMk.
The forward direction is obvious, if B∣W=−A∘φ then B⋅W⊂img(A). Likewise, if B⋅W⊂img(A), we can define a φ by setting for any B(w)=A(v)φ(w)=−v. This defines a map φ:W→V/W.
If φ:F→E is a map of vector bundles of ranks n,m on X. There exists a U⊂X which simultaneously trivializes these bundles; φ∣U:OX⊕n→OX⊕m. Then φ gives a matrix whose entries are regular functions on U, i.e. functions ψ:U→M, Uk(φ):=ψ−1Mk. The set Uk(φ) does not depend on the choice of U. This means there exists some Xk(φ)⊂X that restricts to Uk(φ) on U. This is called the kth determinantal locus of φ.
Proposition:Xk(φ) is either empty or of codimension at most (m−k)(n−k).
If F≅OX then φ:F→E corresponds to a global section of E. X0(φ) is the vanishing locus of such a section. Hence the expected codimenion is codim(X0(φ))=(m−k)(n−k)=(1−0)(rank(E)−0)=rank(E) .
If E=OP2⊕OP2(1), then for a section (σ,τ)∈E. If σ=0 then V(s)=∅ and if σ=0 then V(s) is a line which has codimension 1 in P2.