Algebraic Curves Lecture 3: Line bundles and linear series

The third class of algebraic curves. We discussed line bundles and linear series on smooth curves. We stated the fact that linear series classify maps from the curve to projective space.
  1. Brief Follow-up from Previous Class
  2. Line bundles and linear series
    1. Linear series
    2. Ampleness

XX is still a smooth curve over an algebraically closed field KK.

Brief Follow-up from Previous Class

We discussed "finite type" vs "finite" last class. A map f:xYf:x\to Y is

quasi finite if it has finitely many points in each fiber

finite if there exists an affine cover UαU_\alpha of YY such that for

ff1(Uα):f1(Uα)Uα\begin{aligned} f|_{f^{-1}(U_\alpha)}: f^{-1}(U_\alpha) \to U_\alpha \end{aligned}

the corresponding inclusion ABA\rightarrow B realizes BB as a finitely generated AA-module; where Uα=SpecAU_\alpha = \operatorname{Spec} A and f1(Uα)=SpecBf^{-1}(U_\alpha) = \operatorname{Spec} B.

Theorem: A map as above is finite if and only if it is quasi-finite and proper.
Example: Take the inclusion A1{0}A1\mathbb A^1 \setminus \{0\} \to \mathbb A^1. It is not finite type because K[x,x1]K[x,x^{-1}] is not finitely generated as a module over K[x]K[x].

Line bundles and linear series

We ended last class by defining the sheaf OX(D)\mathcal O_X(D) to be the sheaf of rational functions ff of XX such that div(f)+D\operatorname{div} (f) + D is effective.

Example: OP1(2P3Q)\mathcal O_{\mathbb P^1}(2P - 3Q) is the sheaf of regular functions which have a zero of order 3 or greater at QQ, a pole of order at most 22 at PP and no poles anywhere else on P1\mathbb P^1.

We have the following facts immediately.

  1. OX(D)OX(D)    DD\mathcal O_X(D) \cong \mathcal O_X(D') \iff D\sim D'

  2. Conversely, any invertible sheaf LL is of the form OX(D)\mathcal O_X(D) for some divisor DD

We call LL effective if there exists DD effective such that LOX(D)L\cong \mathcal O_X(D) which happens if and only if h0(X,L)>0h^0(X,L) > 0. Note that there are effective sheaves which are not invertible in general.

Linear series

The degree of a line bundle LOX(D)L\cong \mathcal O_X(D) is the degree of DD. Furthermore, OX(D+D)=OX(D)OX(D)\mathcal O_X(D + D') = \mathcal O_X(D)\otimes \mathcal O_X(D'). We can now define linear series, objects which classify maps XPrX\to \mathbb P^r.

Definition: A linear series is a subspace VV of H0(X,L)H^0(X,L).

A linear series of degree dd and rank rr is called a gdrg^r_d.

Why do we care about linear series? It turns out they classify maps to Pr\mathbb P^r.

Given a gdrg^r_d (L,V)(L,V) that is base point free, we obtain a map φV:XPr\varphi_V:X\to \mathbb P^r given by

P{s  s(P)=0}PVPr.\begin{aligned} P\mapsto \{s ~\mid~ s(P) = 0\} \in \mathbb PV^* \cong \mathbb P^r. \end{aligned}

Note that VV^* is the dual space here. This is the coordinate free version, but if we choose a basis s0,...,srs_0,...,s_r of VV (remember that VV is r+1r+1 dimensional) then we can write this map more concretely as

P[s0(P):...:sr(P)].\begin{aligned} P\mapsto [s_0(P): ... : s_r(P)]. \end{aligned}

A question was asked: why does {sV  s(P)=0}\{s\in V ~\mid~ s(P) = 0\} specify an element in the dual space of VV? It's because the condition s(P)=0s(P) = 0 specifies a hyperplane in VV, a subspace of codimension 1, and hence is given by an element of the dual space.

In the situtation φV:VPr\varphi_V:V\to \mathbb P^r above, we have LφVOPr(1)L\cong \varphi_V^*\mathcal O_{\mathcal P^r}(1); in other words, we can recover LL from the map φV\varphi_V. To summarize:

Proposition: There is a bijective correspondence between maps f:XPrf:X\to \mathbb P^r up to the action of PGLr+1\operatorname{PGL}_{r + 1} with non-degenerate image and a base-point free linear series.

Notes: By non-degenerate we just mean that the image of ff above isn't contained in any linear subspace of Pr\mathbb P^r. This isn't the case with the map φV\varphi_V we defined above – if it were, then s0(P),...,sr(P)s_0(P), ...,s_r(P) would have a nontrivial linear relation, which isn't the case since they were chosen to be a basis. If f:XPrf:X\to \mathbb P^rdid have image lying in some linear subspace, then we'd simply decrease the value of rr.

Remark: If DDiv(X)D\in \operatorname{Div}(X) is the base locus of VV, then the map φV\varphi_V is defined to be the map induced by V(D)V(-D).
Remark: If the gdrg^r_d (V,L)(V,L) has degree dd then
d=deg(φV)deg(φV(X))+deg(D).\begin{aligned} d = \deg(\varphi_V) \cdot \deg(\varphi_V(X)) + \deg(D). \end{aligned}


LL is called very ample if φL\varphi_L is an embedding. LL is called ample if LnL^{\otimes n} is very ample for some n>0n > 0.

Proposition: LL is very ample if and only if it is effective and

  1. h0(X,L(P))=h0(X,L)1h^0(X,L(-P)) = h^0(X,L) - 1 for all PXP\in X

  2. h0(X,L(PQ))=h0(X.L)2h^0(X,L(-P - Q)) = h^0(X.L) - 2 for all P,QXP,Q\in X.

The example we'll discuss next time to have in mind is the following:

Example: P1P3\mathbb P^1 \to \mathbb P^3, (s,t)(s3:st2:t3)(s,t) \mapsto (s^3 : st^2: t^3).
©Isaac Martin. Last modified: January 23, 2024.