The 5th lecture of algebraic curves by Karl Christ.
Recall that for a divisor on a curve , if we write
(here is called the "index of speciality")
Then Riemann-Roch says where is the degree of the line bundle. Today we'll collect some easy Corollaries of Riemann Roch.
Proof. The first case where was already established, so assume . Then .
Karl says that , I'm not sure why, but this gives you the result.
Proof. Suppose . We now want to construct a map to , Pick and consider . By Riemann-Roch, since and . This gives us a degree 1 map , which implies .
Now suppose that . Then Then the previous corollary concerning the Hilbert polynomial means , and since (viewing as a curve with a degree 1 embedding in ) we have .
Proof. Suppose . Let be an effective divisor of degree . Then . But , which is a contradiction.
If is rational, has degree d. Then . Then since . Conversely, suppose there is a line bundle of degree and space of global sections .
Now let be an effective divisor of degree . Then and the degree of is (since is degree and is of degree ). This again gives a map of degree and hence .
Now for the most important corollary:
Any line bundle of degree is base point free
Any line bundle of degree is very ample.
Proof. If , then and for all . This implies there are no base points.
If then for all .