This first chapter introduces some of the most basic concepts of intersection theory, cycles and rational equivalence. The primary result proves that rational equivalence pushes forward under proper morphisms of schemes.
Here Fulton establishes his conventions. Schemes are all algebraic schemes over a field, varieties are integral schemes, subvarieties of schemes are always closed subschemes which are varieties and a point on a scheme is always a closed point. He does include a single example in this section, and I'd like to go over it in more detail.
This example introduces the notion of intersection number, at least for plane curves. Let f,g∈K[x,y] be polynomials defining affine plane curves F and G respectively, and define Z=Z(f,g)⊆AK2 to be the intersection subscheme of F and G. We then define the intersection multiplicity of F and G at a point P∈AK2 to be
My commutative algebra is currently rusty, so I found it useful to examine some examples.
Example (a): Denote by P=(a,b) an arbitrary closed point in AK2 and consider f(x,y)=x and g(x,y)=y. The maximal ideal corresponding to P is then given by (x−a,y−b) and so OP,AK2=K[x,y](x−a,y−b). If either a or b is nonzero, then one of f and g is invertible in OP,AK2 and hence
If (a,b)=(0,0) however, then
giving us an intersection multiplicity of 1 at (0,0) and 0 otherwise. This aligns with our expectations from the graph of f⋅g.
Example (b): Again set P=(a,b) but let f(x,y)=x2−y and g(x,y)=y−b for some b∈K. Following a similar calculation from before, we get that mP=(x−a,y−b) contains a unit in OP,A2 whenever P is not in Z(f⋅g). We thus have three cases to consider:
Case (i): Suppose b<0. Then Z(f⋅g)=∅, so I(P,F⋅G)=0 for all P∈A2.
Case (ii): Suppose b>0. Then Z(f⋅g)={(−b,b),(b,b)}, and for P∈Z(f⋅g) we get
Case (iii): Suppose b=0. This is our first instance of degeneracy: Z(f⋅g)={(0,0)}. Set
Because y=0 in R, R≅K[x](x)/x2 via the map y↦0. This is a two dimensional vector space over K with basis 1,x, hence
This demonstrates that I(P,F⋅G) is able to account for at least some kinds of degeneracy.
The setup: X is a variety with a subvariety V of codimension 1. Thus the local ring A=OV,X is a one-dimensional local domain. Our goal is to define the order of vanishing of a rational function r∈K(X)× along V. This should be a homomorphism K(X∗)→Z:
and since r=a/b for some a,b∈A, we'll necessarily have that
When X is nonsingular along V then A is a DVR, and so any a∈A can be written utm for some unit u∈A× and a unique m∈Z≥0, where t is a generator of the maximal ideal. Defining ordV(a)=m then extends to a definition on all of K(X)∗.
Generalizing this definition requires removing both the codimension 1 and the nonsingular hypothesis. In the special case that X is a curve over a field K and V is a point, our "valuation" definition coincides with dimKA/(a) when a∈A, but the latter formula works in singular cases too. However, A/(a) is not a finite K-vector space in higher dimensions. According to Fulton, the correct definition is that
where lA(A/(a)) is the length of A/(a) as an A-module. Fulton also write eA(a,A) for lA(A/aA).
If ordV(r) is positive, then r is zero along V. If ordV(r) is negative, then r "has V as a pole", i.e. the denominator of r vanishes along V.
There are many useful examples in Fulton in this section, they should really be treated as exercises. Here's a good one:
Example 1.2.4.: (Fulton pg. 9) If V is codimension 1 in X and r∈OV,X then
with strict inequality whenever X is singular along V and with equality whenever X is nonsingular along V.
Proof: This is basically a purely algebraic fact. I'll prove the inequality and return later to prove its relation to singularity. Set A=OV,X and mV,X=m.
Let n be the maximum integer such that r∈mn. Then
is a chain of ideals. Quotienting by (r) gives us a chain of submodules of A/(r):
which proves the inequality.
If A is regular, then it is a DVR and hence (r)=mn. Furthermore, dimk/m2=dimA=1, so each quotient m/m2≅k, implying the chain is maximal.
If A is not regular, then dimmm2≥2, and hence the chain above is not maximal.
We now promptly arrive at cycles. A k-cycle on a scheme X is a finite formal sum
where each Vi is a k-dimensional subvariety of X and the ni are integers. For any (k+1)-dimensional subvariety W of X and any r∈K(W)×, we can define a k-cycle [div(r)] by
taking the sum over all k-dimensional subvarieties of W and noting ordV(r) is zero except at finitely many V. Now we can define rational equivalence. We first say that a k-cycle is rationally equivalent to zero and write α∼0 if there exist finitely many (k+1)-dimensional subvarieties Wi of X and ri∈K(Wi)× such that
We then say that two k-cycles α,β are rationally equivalent if α−β∼0 and write α∼β. Now for some notation:
ZkX is the group of all k-cycles on X
RatkX is the group of all k-cycles on X rationally equivalent to 0
AkX=ZkX/RatkX is the group of all k-cycles up to rational equivalence.
Furthermore, we define
We call elements of Z∗Xcycles and elements of A∗Xcycle classes. We denote by {α}k the component of a class α in AkX.
Having defined all this, Fulton runs through the statement of some facts listed as examples. For instance: Example 1.3.1:
A scheme and its underlying reduced scheme have the same subvarieties and therefore the groups of cycles and rational equivalence classes are canonically isomorphic:
If X is the disjoint union of schemes X1,...,Xn then Z∗(X)=⨁Z∗Xi and
If X1 and X2 are closed subscheme of X then there are exact sequences
This last one confuses me because the leftmost map feels like it should be induced by inclusions of subschemes of X1∩X2 into X1 and X2, but this will have dimension issues. (Note: There are no dimension issues, the maps are obvious. One can also think of this exact sequence as being induced by the pushforward of the relevant inclusion maps).
Let's examine some other concrete examples.
Example::X=AK2. I claim that A0(X)=A1(X)=0 and A2(X)=Z.
Dimension 2:k=2. Since X is irreducible it is its own unique dimension 2 subvariety, and hence Z2(X)=XZ. As there are no dimension 3 subvarieties of X, Rat2(X)=0 vacuously. Thus
Note: This same argument demonstrates that any irreducible n-dimensional variety X has top chow group isomorphic to Z.
Dimension 1:k=1. Every codimension 1 subvariety of X is given by the vanishing of some function f∈OX(X). We can therefore write an arbitrary 1-cycle as
where Fi=V(fi). Each fi is an element of K(X)∗ which vanishes only on Fi by definition, hence
Dimension 0:k=0. In this case an arbitrary cycle is a finite sum of closed points in X, namely
Choose a line ℓi for each i such that ℓi passes through Pj if and only if i=j. Let ti be the coordinate for ℓi under the isomorphism ℓi≅AK1 which sends Pi to 0, interpreted as a function on ℓi. Then ti is a function in K(ℓi)× which vanishes only at Pi with order 1, hence
Since every 1-cycle and 0-cycle is rationally equivalent to 0, we have that A2(X)≅Z and A0(X)=A1(X)=0. We can generalize this argument to conclude that
The final example in this section of Fulton expands on the note from the k=2 case above.
Example 1.3.2: If X is n-dimensional, then there are no (n+1)-dimensional subvarieties and hence AnX=ZnX is the free abelian group on the n-dimensional irreducible components of X. More generally, no cycle of the form [div(r)] for some r∈K(W)× can include an irreducible component V of X with nonzero coefficient, and hence if α,α′∈Z∗(X) are rationally equivalent, then they have the same coefficient of V. If V⊂X is an irreducible copmonent, then we define the coefficient of V in α to be the coefficient of [V] in any cycle which represents α.