Scattered notes taken during the talks at the Texas Algebraic Geometry Symposium (TAGS) 2024
Take \(R\) to be a commutative ring, set \(S = S_n = k[x_1,...,x_n]\) and let \(M\) be a finitely generated \(R\)-module. We'll be looking at free resolutions of \(M\):
where \(F_i\) are free finite rank modules. If \(R = S_n\), then there always exists a free resolution with \(F_{n+1} = 0\).
Theorem: (Buchsbaum, Eisenbud). Suppose you have a complex
\(\operatorname{rank} F_i = \operatorname{rank} \varphi_{i+1}+\operatorname{rank} \varphi_{i}\)
\(I_{\operatorname{rank} \varphi_i}(\varphi_i)\) has depth \(\geq i\), \(\{x\in \MaxSpec R \mid \operatorname{rank} \varphi_i(x) < \operatorname{rank} \varphi_i\}\) has codimension \(\geq i\).
This should be viewed as some sort of "structure theorem" for free resolutions of a quotient of a local or graded ring.
Let \(R = k[x]/x^3\) be a polynomial ring in one variable. Then
is an infinite resolution.
Difficult to see from the back of the room
A story: two mathematicians. They hike. In forest. There's a lion. They run away (as you would). Lion is faster though. One mathematician has an idea, runs back to the lion, whispers in its ear. Lion stops, turns around and runs away. The mathematician whispered something about dinner.
The name "conformal blocks" is bad, says Chiara. We should call them "coinvariants" instead. Everything in this talk is joint with A. Gibney, D. Krashan and N. Tarama.
There are two inputs, geometry and representation theory.
Geometric input: a smooth projective curve \(C\) over \(\mathbb C\), i.e. \(C\in \mathcal M_{g,n}\).
Rep theory input: \(\mathfrak g\) a simple Lie algebra, \(\ell \in \mathbb Z_{> 1}\), \(W_{\lambda_1}, ..., W_{\lambda_n}\) irreducible representations of \(\mathfrak g\) all of weight \(\leq \ell\). Our typical example will be \(\mathfrak{sl}_2\), the traceless \(2\times 2\) matrices over \(\mathbb C\). Always think of a representation of \(\mathfrak{g}\) as a vector space with a \(\mathfrak g\) action.
("Level \(\ell\)" means that nilpotents must act by zero after applying them \(\ell + 1\) times.)
We can pair these two datum together to produce a vector space.
Given a curve with \(n\)-marked points \((C, p_1,...,p_n)\), we pair each marked point with one of the irreducible representations \(W_{\lambda_i}\). This is called a \(\mathfrak g\)-decorated curve. This produces a vector space of coinvariants \(\mathbb V(C, P, \mathfrak g, \ell, W)\). This vector space is called the vector space of coinvariants. The space of conformal blocks is the dual \(\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathbb C}(\mathbb V, \mathbb C)\).
Some fun facts.
(Theorem:) \(\mathbb V\) defines a quasi coherent sheaf on \(\overline{M}_{g,n}\).
It's actually coherent, not merely quasi-coherent.
There exists a projective flat connection on \(\mathbb V|_{M_{g,n}}\).
Conditions (2) and (3) imply that \(\mathbb V\) is a vector bundle on \(\mathcal M_{g,n}\). (NOTE \(\mathcal M_{g,n}\) not \(\overline{\mathcal M}_{g,n}\).)
There is something called Factorization which tells us that to compute the rank of \(\mathbb V\) as a bundle over \(\mathcal M_{g,n}\), it suffices to understand conformal blocks over \(\overline{\mathcal M}_{0,3}\): \(\mathbb V(\mathbb P^1, 0,1,\infty, \mathfrak g, \ell, A,B,C)\).
The space of conformal blocks over a curve \(C\) with a single marked point \(P\), \(\mathbb V(C,P,\mathfrak g, \ell, \mathbb C)^*\), is canonically isomorphic to \(H^0(\mathsf{Bun}_{G,C}, \mathcal L_\ell)\) where \(G\) is the simply connected Lie group associated to \(\mathfrak g\).
On \(\overline{\mathcal M}_{g,n}\), \(\mathbb V\) are globally generated
Note: The fact (2) is not obvious. There is a thickening procedure during which the points \(P_i\) are replaced with formal disks \(\mathbb C[[t]]\), together with corresponding modifications to the lie algebra \(\mathfrak g\) and the representations \(W_i\), so that you end up with a finite dimensional thing is interesting.
The first generalization might be to go from \(G\) to a parahoric group \(\mathcal G\). This is a class of groups which still have the uniformatization theorem, a key results in proving the isomorphism in (6) above.
Another generalization asks: does it make sense to look at conformal blocks over cuspoidal curves?
In fact, there is some work done by Tarasca which replaces curves with abelian varieties – beyond curves conformal blocks.
The last generalization Chiara mentioned replaces the representation theory data with rep theory data from vertex operator algebras. This makes sense because vertex operator algebras are naturally objects which live over disks. In this generalization, you still get a quasi-coherent sheaf over \(\overline{M}_{g,n}\), although it's quite hard to handle the case of nodal curves in this setting. If you impose the condition that your vertex operator algebras are "\(C_2\) cof., then you retain coherentness too, and there always exists a projective flat connection. Factorization still works. The current big question is to "go beyond rationality".
Given a polynomial \(f(x_0,...,x_n)\) we define two Hessian maps:
If \(f\in \operatorname{Sym}^d(V)\) then \(\operatorname{Hess}(f)\in \operatorname{Sym}^{(d-2)(n+1)}V\).
One immediate consequence is that the general fiber of the Gauss map is a linear space. The Gauss map is a rational map \(\mathbb P(V)\xrightarrow{\nabla f} \mathbb P(V^\vee)\) where \(f\) is some homogeneous polynomial. It is also a rational map from \(X = V(f)\subset \mathbb P(V) \to X^\vee\subset \mathbb P(V^\vee)\)
\(C\) will be a nice curve (smooth, projective, other stuff) over \(\mathbb Q\). The goal is to understand rational points of \(C\), \(C(\mathbb Q)\).
\(g\) is the genus, \(J\) is the Jacobian of \(C\). It turns out that \(J(\mathbb Q)\) is a finitely generated abelian group:
We call \(r\) the Mordell-Weil rank.
Falting's theorem (1981): If \(g > 2\), then \(\# C(\mathbb Q) < \infty\).
Chabauty (1941) and Coleman (1985): If \(g\geq 2\) and if \(r < g\), then \(\# C(\mathbb Q) < \infty\) computationally.
Today, we'll assume that \(r = g\).
The \(p\)-adic Nekovar height function \(h_z:C(\mathbb Q)\to C(\mathbb Q)\) decomposes as a sum of local heights:
where \(h_{Z, \ell}: C(\mathbb Q_\ell) \to \mathbb Q_p\).
For \(\ell \neq p\), the local height function \(h_{Z,\ell}\) takes only finitely many values. Remember that \(h_{Z,\ell}\) maps from \(C(\mathbb Q_\ell)\), so we're looking at potentially infinitely many points.
If \(\ell \neq p\) of potential good reduction, then \(h_{Z,\ell} = 0\). This occurs for all but finitely primes.
\(h_{Z,\ell}\) can be defined using intersection pairings on a regular model of \(C\).
The local height function at \(\ell = p\) is well understood: \(h_{Z,p}\) is a locally analytic function.
Fix a basepoint \(b \in C(\mathbb Q)\). \(Z \subset C\times C\) is a trace \(0\) correspondence on \(C\) fixed by the Rositi involution. Not clear what this means.
It is unknown how to compute this \(\Omega\) set in general, but for specific curves or for classes of curves (i.e. hyperelliptic) it is possible.
The reason this is surprising is that there is no underlying toric assumption. Proof will come from mirror symmetry, used to compactify moduli spaces.
Definition: \(\overline{\mathcal M}_{g,n}\) is the moduli space of genus \(g\) "stable curves" with \(n\) marked point \((C, p_1,...,p_n)\)
at worst nodal singularities
stability condition: \(\# \operatorname{Aut}(C) < \infty\iff K_X + \sum p_i\) is ample
Definition: "Stable pairs" \((Y,B)\) where \(Y\) is a projective variety, \(B\) is a \(\mathbb Q\)-divisor.
\((Y,B)\) has semi-log canonical singularities
\(K_Y + B\) is \(\mathbb Q\)-Cartier and ample. \(\mathcal M^{KSBA}\) is the moduli space of stable pairs.
Take \(P\) to be a lattice polytope in \(\mathbb R^n\), this gives us a polarized projective toric variety.
\(Y = \operatorname{Proj}\mathbb C[C(P)(_{\mathbb Z}]\)
\(D = -K_Y\) is the toric boundary divisor
\(L\) is an ample line bundle, \(H^0(Y,L)\cong \bigoplus_{p\in P_{\mathbb Z}}\mathbb Cz^p\).
\(\mathcal M_{(Y,D,L)}\) is the closure in \(\mathcal M^{KSBA}\) of the locus of stable pairs \((Y,D+\epsilon H)\) where \(H\in |L|\) and \(0<\epsilon<<1\).
Note that a "polarized algebraic variety" is one with a choice of ample line bundle \(L\) in the Neron-Severi group.
What does "stability" mean for a pair \((Y,D,L)\)? (I missed it)
Very hard to take notes during this talk, it was a slide talk.
Joint work with Samir Canning and Sam Payne.
\(\mathcal{M}_g\) is the moduli space of smooth projective genus \(g\) curves. \(\mathcal{M}_{g,n}\) is the moduli space of smooth projective genus \(g\) curves with \(n\) marked points.
Fact: \(\mathcal M_{1,1} \xrightarrow{\sim}{j} \mathbb C\), i.e. elliptic curves over \(\mathbb C\) are classified by their \(j\)-invariant.
Definition: A pointed curve \((C, p_1,...,p_n)\) is stable if \(p_i\in C^{smooth}\), \(C\) has at worst nodal singularities and
every genus \(0\) component of the normalization has \(\geq 3\) special points (nodes and marked points) and
every genus \(1\) component of the normalization has \(\geq 1\) special point.
We write \(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}\) to mean the Deligne-Mumford compactification of \(\mathcal{M}_{g,n}\), i.e. add in the stable nodal curves.
These definitions hold over any field, but we're taking \(\mathbb C\) to be our field whenever we draw a picture.
Here we see a cartoon of the boundary of \(\overline{\mathcal M}_{2,0}\). One thing to highlight is that, as we "move deeper into the boundary", our curves get simpler until we eventually have two singular genus 0 components glued together at a node, but the combinatorics of the singularities grow more complicated.
Question: What is \(H^*_{\mathbb Q}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n})?\) This is a very hard question to answer, it's the same question Dhurv asked in his colloquium talk. A strategy to study it is to produce interesting classes in the cohomology ring.
The spaces \((T_pC)^\vee\) fit together into a line bundle \(\omega_\pi\), the relative dualizing sheaf. Here \(\pi:\overline{\mathcal M}_{g,1}\xrightarrow{\pi}\overline{\mathcal M}_{g}\). The \(\psi\)-class of this bundle is a class in \(H^2(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,1})\),
and pushing this forward produces classes in \(H^{2j}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g)\):
These two classes together with a few more bits of machinery produce tautological classes.
Forgetful pullbacks
Take \(f:\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}\to \overline{\mathcal M}_g\) to be the map which forgets all marked points and \(f_i:\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n} \to \overline{\mathcal M}_{g,1}\) to be the map forgetting all but the \(i\)th marked point. These give us the following classes:
Set \(\tilde{\kappa_j} = f^*\kappa_j\in H^{2j}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n})\)
Set \(\psi_i = f^*\psi \in H^{2}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n})\).
Taking monomials in \(\tilde \kappa_j\) and \(\psi_i\) give us more classes.
Gluing pushforwards
Maps such as \(\overline{\mathcal M}_{1,1} \times \overline{\mathcal M}_{2,3} \to \overline{\mathcal M}_{3,2}\) gives us a pushforward map which, on monomials, looks like \(\psi_i\otimes \kappa_1\psi_3 \mapsto \text{"decorated stratum classes"}\).
Finally, taking \(\mathbb Q\)-linear combinations of these decorated stratum classes gives us the tautological subring \(RH^*(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n})\subseteq H^*(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n})\). It lives only in even degree cohomology.
Most classes we can build, Chern classes of bundles, Hodge classes, even the Chern classes of the Verlinde bundle – they're all tautological classes. This begs the question:
Question: For which \((k,g,n)\) do we get \(RH^k(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}) = H^k(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n})\)?
Equality holds for \(k=0,1,2,3,5\) (Arbarello-Comalba 1990) and \(k = 7,9\) (Bergstroim-Faber-Payne 2022). Sam Payne also showed that \(H^{11}(\overline{\mathcal M}_{1,11}) \neq 0\), and hence equality doesn't hold in general.
Motivation: Understand \(D^b(\textsf{Coh} X)\), the derived category, where \(X\) is a smooth variety over \(\mathbb C\). Can treat \(D^b(X)\) as complexes of finitely generated \(R\)-modules.
Two nice things: Semiorthogonal Decompositions (SOD) and Full Exceptional Collections (FEC).
Beilinson showed that \(D&b(\mathbb P^n)\) can be decomposed as \(\mathcal O, \mathcal O(1),...,\mathcal O(n)\).
There's a moduli space called \(\overline{\mathcal {LM}}_n\) which is a toric variety. It comes from roots systems \(A_n\).
Brion noticed some line bundles that generate \(D^b_{cusp}\) come from wonderful compactifications.
A lot of the effort in the study of infinite resolutions has gone towards constructing them. There are two main cases that people know things about.
The residue field case
Let \(S = k[x_0,...,x_n]\) and look at a homogeneous ideal \(I\subset S\) inside a maximal ideal \(\mathfrak m\). Set \(R = S/I\) and begin to resolve the residue field \(k = R/\frakm\) via \(R\). This is infinite.
Wild conjecture: With \(S\), \(R\) and \(I\) above, \(I_1(F.dd_i) + I_1(F.dd_{i+1})\) becomes constant. This is Macaulay2 notation, \(I_1\) means the \(1\times 1\) minors of the matrix \(F.dd_{i}\).