Tom Graber (2021) Localization for relative obstruction theoreis and stable log maps

These are notes following a lecture of Tom Graber on virtual localization. See the link here: recorded lecture.

  1. Original Bott Residue Theorem (1950s)
    1. Case of the tangent bundle
  2. Equivariant Chow
    1. Localization Theorem and Bott-residue
    2. Key point
  3. Cone stacks
  4. Fixed stacks
    1. Example: The stack of nodal curves
    2. Example: Quotient stack with a TT-action
    3. WARNING
  5. Main Theorem
    1. Setup
    2. Case of a point (non-relative case)
    3. General case (relative case)
    4. Some notes
  6. Examples
    1. Log stable maps

Original Bott Residue Theorem (1950s)

Here's the original paper: The Moment Map and Equivariant Cohomology, Atiayh and Bott.

This is the algebraic geometry version of Bott's original paper; he would've taken a smooth compact manifold rather than a smooth projective variety and a S1S^1-action rather than a Gm=C\mathbb G_m = \mathbb C^*-action.

Let XX be a smooth projective variety XX with a TT-action. Here, TT is either Gmr\mathbb G_m^r or Gm\mathbb G_m; most of the time it will be the latter, and it is here. The differences are not drastic. Further let EE be a vector bundle over XX with a lift of the TT-action (meaning the bundle map EXE\to X is TT-equivariant), pp a polynomial in the chern classes of EE (for instance p=c12c7p = c_1^2 \cdot c_7) with deg(p)=dimX\deg(p) = \operatorname{dim} X. Then

Xp=XT\begin{aligned} \int_X p = \int_{X^T} \bigstar \end{aligned}

where \bigstar is some explicit formula depending on EXTE|_{X^T}. Here XTX^T is the fixed locus of the TT action on XX. The representation theory of Gm\mathbb G_m is quite nice: it says that EXTE|_{X^T} splits as a direct sum of eigen bundles upon which TT-acts by weight iZi\in \mathbb Z:

EXT=Ei.\begin{aligned} E|_{X^T} = \bigoplus E_i. \end{aligned}

Let's explain this a bit more. The torus isn't acting on XTX^T, but it's still acting on EE over XTX^T. Because the torus action fixes XTX^T, it must act fiberwise on EE; in other words, it preserves the fibers of EE over each point in XTX^T. The fibers of EXE\to X are a vector space, so the action of TT on EE actually gives us a representation of TT.

Every representation of T=GmT = \mathbb G_m splits as a direct sum of eigen bundles EiE_i. Here, EiE_i denotes the eigenbundle of EXTE|_{X^T} upon which TT-acts by weight iZi\in \mathbb Z.

To compute Xp\int_X p by the Bott residue formula, I need to know XTX^T and this direct sum decomposition of EXTE|_{X^T}; in particular, the weights iZi\in \mathbb Z.

Case of the tangent bundle

The above discussion applies generally to any random vector bundle, and its not particularlly helpful for computing on a random vector bundles over XX since it may not have a TT-equivariant structure. However, the tangent bundle TXTXdoes have a natural TT-equivariant structure (TT is used both for the tangent space and the torus, pick out which one is meant from context). So we have a decomposition

TXXT=iZTXi.\begin{aligned} TX|_{X^T} = \bigoplus_{i\in \mathbb Z} TX_i. \end{aligned}

Since TT-acts trivially on XTX^T, it acts trivially on the tangent space to XTX^T:

TXT=TX0.\begin{aligned} T_{X^T} = TX_0. \end{aligned}

Here TX0TX_0 is the weight 00 piece of TXXTTX|_{X^T}, sometimes denotes TXfTX^f for "fixed". The above statement thus means that the only directions in the tangent bundle which are fixed are no other directions in TXXTTX|_{X^T} which are fixed besides those in TXTX. Note that we need smooth for this to be true.

This discussion means that all other directions not in TXTT_{X^T} are not fixed, hence the normal bundle NXTN_{X^T} of XTX^T in TXXTTX|_{X^T} consists of the sum of all weights other than 00:

NXT=0iZTXi=TXm\begin{aligned} N_{X^T} = \bigoplus_{0\neq i\in \mathbb Z} TX_i = TX^m \end{aligned}

where "mm" stands for "moving".

So \bigstar depends on c(Ei)c(E_i) and c(NXT/X)c(N_{X^T/X}).

The most useful place to use this is when XTX^T consists of finitely many isolated fixed points, in which case XT\int_{X^T}\bigstar just becomes a finite sum, and you've reduced a potentially nasty integral to a combinatorial expression in the chern classes c(Ei)c(E_i) and the normal bundle NXT/XN_{X^T/X}.

This formula can be proven and understood in terms of equivariant cohomology, or in terms of equivariant chow.

Equivariant Chow

Edin-Graham construct equivariant chow groups AXT(X)A^T_X(X) which are formally similar to A(X)A_*(X), in that they have

A novel feature of the theory, however, is that AGm(pt)=Q[λ]A^*_{\mathbb G_m}(pt) = \mathbb Q[\lambda], where AiT(pt)=QλiA^T_{-i}(pt) = \mathbb Q\cdot \lambda^i. This turns out to be a massive boon to this area of study. It implies that for any XX with a TT-action, AT(X)A^T_*(X) has the natural structure of a Q[λ]\mathbb Q[\lambda]-module.

Localization Theorem and Bott-residue

Theorem: When XX is smooth,
i:AT(XT)λAT(X)λ\begin{aligned} i_*:A^T_*(X^T)_\lambda \xrightarrow{\sim} A^T_*(X)_\lambda \end{aligned}
is an isomorphism after inverting λ\lambda, where i:XTXi:X^T\hookrightarrow X is the inclusion.

To recover the Bott residue theorem, observe that

ii(α)=e(NXT/X)α\begin{aligned} i^*i_*(\alpha) = e(N_{X^T/X})\cap \alpha \end{aligned}

in AT(XT)=A(XT)Q[λ].A^*_T(X^T) = A^*(X^T) \otimes \mathbb Q[\lambda]. Because torus weights on NN are all non-zero, we get that e(N)e(N) (the Euler class of N=NXT/XN = N_{X^T/X}) is invertible in AT(XT)A^*_T(X^T). Therefore, if we set α=1e(N)\alpha = \frac{1}{e(N)}, then

ii(α)=[XT],\begin{aligned} i^*i_*(\alpha) = [X^T], \end{aligned}

the fundamental class in XTX^T. If I pull back the fundamental class I get back the fundamental class, so iα=[X]i_*\alpha = [X]. Localization tells us that this is the unique class in AT(XT)A^*_T(X^T) which pulls back to the fundamental class of [X][X]. Thus,

[X]p=p[X]=pi(α)=ipα,\begin{aligned} \int_{[X]}p = p\cap [X] = p\cap i_*(\alpha) = i^*p\cap \alpha, \end{aligned}

where the last equality follows from the projection formula from intersection theory. Note that ipi^*p is a polynomial in the equivariant Chern classes of iEi^*E.

Conclusion: Xp(E)=XTp(iE)e(N)\int_Xp(E) = \int_{X^T}\frac{p(i^*E)}{e(N)}.

Key point

If we can identify αAT(XT)\alpha\in A^*_T(X^T) such that iα=[X]i_*\alpha = [X] then we can reduce integrals over XX to integrals over XTX^T. Proving a Bott-like residue theorem essentially boils down, therefore, to finding this class α\alpha. It's not known how to do this in general for smooth XX. However, here's a note:

We still have localization when XX is singular, but it's no longer obvious how to find this class α\alpha. We can still say something about this case, however.

Deformation to the normal cone gives us a map XTCXT/XX^T\hookrightarrow C_{X^T/X}. We can therefore factor the residue map Res:AT(X)AT(XT)\operatorname{Res}:A^T_*(X)\to A^T_*(X^T) as

AXT(X)σAT(CXT/X)ResAT(XT).\begin{aligned} A^T_X(X)\xrightarrow{\sigma}A^T_*(C_{X^T/X})\xrightarrow{\operatorname{Res}} A^T_*(X^T). \end{aligned}

The residue map Res:AT(CXT/X)AT(XT)\operatorname{Res}:A^T_*(C_{X^T/X})\to A^T_*(X^T) can be made sense of; the torus acts on CXT/XC_{X^T/X} and the fixed locus is still just XTX^T and the "moving" part is the normal cone.

This doesn't necessarily improve anything, we just changed which residue map we have to calculate. However, if we have an embedding CVC\hookrightarrow V of CC into some equivariant vector bundle (this often happens, it's like taking a resolution by locally free sheaves) then you can calculate the residue of [C][C]:

Res([C])=e(V)1sV([C]),\begin{aligned} \operatorname{Res}([C]) = e(V)^{-1}\cap s^*_V([C]), \end{aligned}

where si(C)s_i(C) are the Segre classes at CC. If we take T=GmT=\mathbb G_m with the standard scaling action, then

Res([C])=si(C)λdi.\begin{aligned} \operatorname{Res}([C]) = \sum s_i(C)\lambda^{d - i}. \end{aligned}

Cone stacks

This construction also makes sense for cone stacks which admit TT-embeddings in TT-vector bundle stacks via the same formula. The reason this Segre class perspective is useful is because it still makes sense for cone stacks – even in situations where localization doesn't apply, the formula

Res([C])=e(V)1sV([C]),\begin{aligned} \operatorname{Res}([C]) = e(V)^{-1}\cap s^*_V([C]), \end{aligned}

still makes sense. In fact, we can simply define

s(C):=e(V)1sV([C])\begin{aligned} s(C) := e(V)^{-1}\cap s^*_V([C]) \end{aligned}

to be some sort of "generalized Segre class associated to a cone" and in this way still have a means to associate a class on the base to the cone.

Comment from Ravi: to de-mystify cone stacks, one should view them as some sort of cone living in the quotient of vector bundles. That is, given a map of vector bundles E0E1E_0 \to E_1, you can mod out by the additive action of E0E_0 to get a stack [E1/E0][E_1/E_0], and if you additionally have a cone in E1E_1 invariant under the action of E0E_0 then you obtain a "cone stack" inside of [E1/E0][E_1/E_0].

We'll just think of a cone stack as a cone in some "vector bundle quotient" as Ravi suggests.

Fixed stacks

The fixed scheme makes sense, but the correct notion of "fixed locus of a group acting on a stack" is more subtle.

For a scheme: if you have TT actings on XX, then you can think of the fixed locus XTX^T in two different ways.

  1. As the intersection XT=tTXtX^T = \bigcap_{t\in T}X^t. Here we view tTt\in T as a map XtXX\xrightarrow{t\cdot} X, and then XtX^t is the locus on XX where tt\cdot is the identity map. From this point of view, one might worry that if XX isn't separated then XTX^T won't be closed, but because XX is connected it still is.

  2. From the point of view of the functor of points: a map SXTS\to X^T corresponds to a TT-equivariant map SXS\to X where SS is equipped with the trivial TT-action. This is the definition that works better for the fixed stack.

Definition: (Romagny).   If XX is a stack with a TT-action then define XTX^T to be the stack where XT(S)X^T(S) is the TT-equivariant map SXS\to X which satisfies some commutativity properties.

Danger: The natural map XTXX^T\to X is not a monomorphism for TT a torus, XX a DM stack and XTX^T a closed substack.

Example: The stack of nodal curves

Take Mg\mathcal M_g to be the stack of nodal curves and let TT act trivially. Then Mg(S)\mathcal M_g(S) is flat families of nodal curves over SS. Surprisingly, using this definition of the fixed stack, the fixed family Mg(S)T\mathcal M_g(S)^T is the flat family of nodal curves over SS with a *fiberwise TT-action, that is, you can still have non-trivial TT-actions in the family.

Example: Quotient stack with a TT-action

Take X=[M/G]X = [M/G] with a TT-action induced by

  1. The extension of a group 1GG~T11 \to G\to \tilde{G} \to T \to 1 and

  2. an action of G~\tilde{G} on MM.

Then the fixed stack looks like the collection of conjugacy classes of splittings,

XT=φ:TG~conjugacy classesof splittings[Mφ(T)/C(φ)G]\begin{aligned} X^T = \coprod_{\substack{\varphi:T\to \tilde{G}\\ \text{conjugacy classes} \\ \text{of splittings}}} [M^{\varphi(T)}/C(\varphi)\cap G] \end{aligned}

where C(φ)C(\varphi) denotes the centralizer. Note that this formula only works for tori!


If TT acts trivially on BG=[pt/G]BG = [pt/G], then

BGT=conj. classesof morphismsTGB(C(φ)).\begin{aligned} BG^T = \coprod_{\substack{\text{conj. classes}\\ \text{of morphisms} \\ T\to G}}B(C(\varphi)). \end{aligned}

Take G=PGL2G = \mathbb{P}\operatorname{GL}_2 then BGM0BG\subset \mathcal M_0 and we see that we have a copy of BGmBGTB\mathbb G_m \subset BG^T.


XTX^T need not be an algebraic stack. It already fails to be one for M1\mathcal M_1 and T=GmT = \mathbb G_m.

Main Theorem


We take

All this data gives rise to the virtual pullback

πE!:AT(Y)AT(M),[M]vir=πE!([Y]).\begin{aligned} \pi^!_{\mathbb E}: A^T_*(\mathcal Y) \to A^T_*(M), \hspace{1em} [M]^{vir} = \pi_{\mathbb E}^!([\mathcal Y]). \end{aligned}

This is important. You need to think about this virtual machinery in the way Christina Manolache describes (see Manolache, "Virtual pull-backs"). What this gives you isn't only a virtual class on MM, it gives you a virtual pull-back – a way to pullback cycles from Y\mathcal Y to MM. Usually you pullback only the fundamental class of Y\mathcal Y, which you then call the virtual fundamental class, but we need to use the whole machinery to pullback other classes as well using the data of the normal cone stack CM/YEC_{M/\mathcal Y}\hookrightarrow \mathbb E.

Case of a point (non-relative case)

When Y=pt\mathcal Y = pt, then the virtual localization theorem (Graber, Rahul) says the fixed locus MTM^T has a perfect obstruction theory given by EfE^f and

i(e(Evir)1[MT]vir)=[M]vir.\begin{aligned} i_*(e(E^{vir})^{-1}\cap [M^T]^{vir}) = [M]^{vir}. \end{aligned}

General case (relative case)

In the relative case you don't get an "absolute" perfect obstruction theory, you only get a relative perfect obstruction theory given by EfE^f:

MTπTYT\begin{aligned} M^T\xrightarrow{\pi^T} \mathcal Y^T \end{aligned}

and you get a natural class αA~T(YT)λ\alpha \in \widetilde{A}^T_*(\mathcal Y ^T)_\lambda by taking s(CYT/Y)s(C_{\mathcal Y^T/\mathcal Y}).

We obtain the following formula:

[M]vir=i(e(Nvir)1(πEfT)!(α)).\begin{aligned} [M]^{vir} = i_*(e(N^{vir})^{-1} \cap (\pi^{T}_{\mathbb E^f})^!(\alpha)). \end{aligned}

It looks almost the same as before, the only difference is the class α\alpha on the base which plays a role. Tom Graber thinks of α\alpha as being the class in YT\mathcal Y^T which "pushes forward to the fundamental class of Y\mathcal Y".

Some notes


Log stable maps

Take XX to be a projective log smooth scheme. You get a moduli space M=Mg,n(X,β)M = \overline{M}_{g,n}(X,\beta) of log stable maps; if SS is a log scheme then

M(S)= log smooth curve CfX,CπS, where f is a log morphism.\begin{aligned} M(S) = \text{ log smooth curve } C\xrightarrow{f} X, C\xrightarrow{\pi} S, \text{ where $f$ is a log morphism}. \end{aligned}

It is represented by a DM-stack with a log structure. Note that the functor of points for MM is hard to describe in generals schemes, but its easy for log schemes. MM comes with a perfect obstruction theory relative to a singular base Y\mathcal Y.

Etale locally, Y\mathcal Y is of the form [U/TU][U/T_U], i.e. a toric variety modulo the action of its torus. Near a point, YTY\mathcal Y^T \to \mathcal Y looks like TTUT\to T_U and UTUU^T\subset U.

General question: Given a toric variety VV and a subtorus TTVT\subset T_V, can we compute Res([U])AT(VT)λ\operatorname{Res}([U])\in A^T_*(V^T)_\lambda?

©Isaac Martin. Last modified: April 05, 2024.