Complex Bootcamp Exercises: Conformal Maps
This set of problems focuses on conformal mappings.
Ahlfors chapter 3 (primarily 3.3, 3.4) and section 6.1.1 (the Riemann mapping theorem.) We will also assume the Schwarz lemma for some problems (section 4.3.4 theorem 13.)
Problem 1 (Ahlfors
Map the region between $|z| = 1$ and $|z-1/2| = 1/2$ on a half plane.
Invert at the common point to map both circles to half planes.Solution
These two curves intersect at $z = 1$ so using the map $z \mapsto 1/(z-1)$ both circles will map to the lines $i\mathbb{R} -1/2$ and $i\mathbb{R} - 1$, respectively. We can apply a linear transformation to turn the strip between these two lines into $\{x + iy: x \in \mathbb{R}, 0 < y < \pi\}$. From here observe that for values in this set $x+iy \mapsto e^{x+iy} = e^xe^{iy}$ delivers us the upper half plane.Problem 2 (Ahlfors
Map the common region of $|z| = 1$ and $|z-1| = 1$ on the inside of a circle.
Invert at a common point to map both circles to half planes.Problem 3 (Palka 6.12)
Find a conformal map from $D = \{z: |\text{Re}(z)| + |\text{Im}(z)| < \sqrt{2}/2\}$ to $D’ = \{z: 1 < |z| < e^\pi, \text{Im}(z) >0 \}$.
Problem 4
Show that all conformal self maps of $\mathbb{D} = \{z: |z| < 1\}$ are of the form \(z\mapsto \alpha \frac{z - z_0}{1-\overline{z_0} z}\) for a $z_0 \in \mathbb{D}$ and $|\alpha| = 1$.
If $T$ is our self map and $T(a) = 0$ make another map $S$ of the form above with $z_0 = a$. Then $T\circ S^{-1}$ is a self map which fixes zero.Solution
Following the hint, if there exists a point $z\in \mathbb{D}\setminus \{0\}$ such that $|T\circ S^{-1}(z)| = |z|$ then by the Schwarz lemma $T\circ S^{-1}(z) = \alpha z$ for some $|\alpha| = 1$. Hence $T = \alpha S(z)$.If no such point exists then selecting any $z \in \mathbb{D} \setminus \{0\}$ we must have $|T\circ S^{-1}(z)| < |z|$, but then note that $(T\circ S^{-1})^{-1}$ is another self map of the disk. Letting $w = T\circ S^{-1}(z)$ we see $$|z| = | (T\circ S^{-1})^{-1}(w)| \leq |w| < |z|$$ by the first inequality, hence no such $z$ exists.
Problem 5
Let $U\subsetneq \mathbb{C}$ be a simply connected open subset of $\mathbb{C}$. Suppose $\phi_1,\phi_2:U\to U$ are two conformal self maps and there exists $z_1,z_2$ such that $\phi_1(z_i) = \phi_2(z_i)$. Show that $\phi_1 = \phi_2$.
First attempt this problem on the unit disk then extend this result to other regions via the Riemann mapping theorem.Solution
Taking $U$ to be the disk define $T= \phi_1^{-1} \circ \phi_2$. This is then a self map with the two fixed points $z_i$. Conjugating with a map $S$ of the form from problem 4 which maps $z_1 \mapsto 0$ we can take define $T' = S\circ T \circ S^{-1}$. This map now has the fixed points $0$ and $S(z_2)$. The Schwarz lemma allows us conclude $T'(z) = \alpha z$ with $|\alpha| = 1$, and since $S(z_2)$ is fixed we must have $\alpha = 1$. Hence $T$ is the identity.Finally, if $U$ is not the disk then the Riemann mapping theorem provides a biholomorphic map $R:U\to \mathbb{D}$ which sends $z_1 \mapsto 0$. From here, we see $R\circ T\circ R^{-1}$ fixes $0$ and $R(z_2)$ and we can repeat this same argument.
Problem 6 (Prelim August 2013)
Find all conformal self-maps of $U = \{z: |z| > 0\}$.
Given a self map of $U$ we see it must either be bounded near $0$ or unbounded near zero.Solution
Let $T$ be such a map. If it is bounded near 0 we can extend it to a map $T:\mathbb{C} \mapsto \mathbb{C}$. To proceed, we must determine what $T(0)$ is. Suppose that $T(0) \ne 0$. Then the original map has a preimage $a\in U$ and it follows by continuity that neighborhoods of $0$ and $a$ both map into neighborhoods of $T(a) = T(0)$, contradicting injectivity of our original map. Hence $T(0) = 0$. This makes $T$ a self map of $\mathbb{C}$ which must be a Möbius transformation fixing $0,\infty$, hence $T(z) = \alpha z$ for some $\alpha \ne 0$.For the second case suppose that $T$ is a self map that is unbounded near zero. Note that since $T$ never attains the value zero the map $1/T:U\to U$ is then a self map that is bounded near $z = 0$. Hence in this case $T = \alpha z^{-1}$ for an $\alpha \ne 0$.
Problem 7 (Prelim August 2021)
Find all conformal self maps of the half plane $H = \{z: \text{Re}(z) > 0\}$ such that $f(1/2) = 2$ and $f(2) = 1/2$.
If you cannot think of a satisfactory self map try the transformation from $H$ to the disk $\mathbb{D}$.Solution
After some guess work you may find that $f(z) = 1/z$ is one such map (or if you followed the hint, on the unit disk $z\mapsto -z$ would be our candidate.) It follows from problem 5 that $f$ is the unique map with this property.Problem 8 (Prelim August 2015)
Let $U\subsetneq \mathbb{C}$ be a bounded simply connected region with $0\in U$. Suppose $f:U\to U$ is a holomorphic function satisfying $f(0) = 0$, $|f’(0)| < 1$. We can define the sequence of functions $\{f_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ by \(f_n(z) = \underbrace{f\circ \cdots \circ f}_\text{$n$ times}(z)\) show that $f_n \to 0$ uniformly on compact subsets of $U$.
Hint 1
Apply the Riemann mapping theorem so that we can take $U = \mathbb{D}$.Hint 2
Since we can take $U$ to be the disk we can apply the Schwarz lemma, giving us that $|f(z)| < |z|$ for all $z \in \mathbb{D}\setminus \{0\}$. Use this to construct a strong contraction over compact subsets of $U$.Solution
Let $R:U\to \mathbb{D}$ be the Riemann map fixing $0$. Then $g = R\circ f \circ R^{-1}$ is a map on the disk satisfying $g(0) = 0, |g'(0)| < 1$. Applying the Schwarz lemma we have $|g(z)| < |z|$ for all $z \ne 0$. Given any compact set $K\subset \mathbb{D}$ there exists a maximum value $c = |g(z)/z|$ by continuity. Therefore, $|g(z)| \leq c|z|$ with $c < 1$ providing our strong contraction. Hence the corresponding sequence of functions $g_n$ have the property that $g_n \to 0$ uniformly on compact subsets of $\mathbb{D}$. Conjugating with $R^{-1}$ we then see that $f_n = R^{-1} g_n R \to 0$ uniformly on compact subsets of $U$.Problem 9 (Prelim January 2002)
Let $f:D\to \mathbb{C}$ be a holomorphic function satisfying $\text{Re}(f(z)) > 0$ for all $z\in D$ where $D\subset \mathbb{C}$. Show that there exists bounded holomorphic functions $g,h:D\to \mathbb{C}$ such that \(f(z) = \frac{g(z)}{h(z)}\)
Consider the transformation between a half plane and the disk.Solution
The Möbius transformation $$ S(z) = \frac{z - 1}{z + 1}$$ maps the right half plane onto $\mathbb{D}$. We see that $S\circ f$ is now a holomorphic map from $D$ into $\mathbb{D}$. The inverse of this transformation is $$ S^{-1}(z) = \frac{z+1}{1-z}$$ This encourages us to define $$ g(z) = S\circ f(z) + 1\quad h(z) = 1 - S\circ f(z) $$ which are bounded as $S\circ f$ is bounded. It immediately follows that $g/h = S^{-1}\circ S \circ f = f$ as desired.Problem 10 (Prelim January 2017)
Find all conformal self maps of $\mathbb{C} \setminus \{0,1\}$.