M 427J Differential Equations
Unique Numbers 52795 and 52805
Instructor: John Meth, jmeth@math.utexas.edu
Office Hours: All office hour questions and answers
will be conducted virtually and asynchronously on Piazza:
Textbook: Differential Equations and Their Applications, 4th ed., by
Martin Braun
Class Time and Location:
All class presentations will be in short video format, provided
asynchronously via videos that can be downloaded from
Canvas (under 'Files'):
Prerequisites and Restrictions: The prerequisite is one of M408D, M308L,
M408L, M308N, M408S or M408M, with a grade of at least C-.
Email Policy:
If you email me, please put your EID and your Unique Number in the subject line. Please
check to see if your question is answered in the syllabus before emailing me. Please
email me at my email address, not through the Canvas messaging service.
Your grades and class materials can be found on Canvas.
It can be found at https://canvas.utexas.edu/.
Grades are distributed as follows:
Quizzes: 30%. Quizzes will be given
as take home assignments via Canvas. You will turn in your quiz as
a .pdf file uploaded on Canvas. You will have more than 48 hours
to complete each quiz. You may use any resources (but please
do not post any information related to the quiz on Piazza or any
other public message board).
Your top five quiz scores will be counted
towards your grade (I'm dropping your lowest 6 quiz scores).
Midterms: 70%. There will be three midterms.
Midterms will be given
as take home assignments via Canvas. You will turn in your midterm as
a .pdf file uploaded on Canvas. You will have more than 48 hours
to complete each midterm. You may use any resources (but please
do not post any information related to the midterm on Piazza or any
other public message board).
Your top two midterm scores will be counted
towards your grade (I'm dropping your lowest midterm score).
Final Exam: There will be no final exam.
- Grade cutoffs: If the course is curved, the curve will not be known until after the
final exam. You are guaranteed cutoffs that are standard (93-100 A, 90-92 A-, 87-89 B+, etc.)
or better. Final grades are final and will not be changed. If you
feel extenuating circumstances were deleterious to your grade in
the course, please contact Student Emergency Services.
The topics to be covered in class can be found here:
Our lecture and homework calendar can be found here:
General Information:
- Drop Deadlines: Please see
Academic Calendar
- Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated, and is
punished to the fullest extent allowed by university policy.
- Students with Disabilities: Upon request, The University of Texas at Austin provides
appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information,
contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 512-471-6259, 512-471-4641 TTY.
If you plan on using accommodations, please notify me in the first twelve class days of the
- Mental Health Services: The Counseling and Mental Health Center is located on the fifth
floor of the Student Services Building (SSB), with hours Monday through Friday, 8AM-5PM,
and may be reached at 512-471-3515 (appointments) and 512-471-CALL (crisis line).
- Religious Holidays: According to university policy, you must notify me of your pending
absence at least fourteen days prior to the date of observance of a religious holy day. You
will be given an opportunity to complete any missed work within a reasonable amount of
time after the absence.