Hans Koch
Department of Mathematics
The University of Texas at Austin

Phone: (512) 471-8183
Fax: (512) 471-9038
E-mail: koch@math.utexas.edu
Research: list of papers
Preprints: some here, some there
Teaching: M381D, ...

Some links
Math Phys: M&P at UT, mp_arc, MPEJ, IAMP, ...
Math: UT Math, IMU, AMS, EMS, MathSciNet, ...
Phys: UT Physics, IOP, APS, EPS, ...
Comp: www, TeX, OSI, gnu, Linux, Ubuntu, Ada, ELF, Trolls, ...
More: rattleback, square, metric, ...

ZigzagSpacePotty Lunar Ball Evan's Line Bren Plane Evan Tower Mr Bird Chinese House Sandra's Dots Koch Wappen
Blah Blah Jelly Volcano Just Drew It Sunset No Name Long Ear Guy Mr Tiny's Trouble Land Orange Alien Dandelion Forest Going Down Rainbow Tower
Bren's Monsters Dream Catcher Mouse King Frog I wonder ... The Froggy Army Baba Yaga's House Bug Be Gone Penguins Camel History Candles

c h o o s e . b a c k g r o u n d

visitor #223703