COURSE: M 381D COMPLEX ANALYSIS-WB (55325) Spring 2021 ====== TEXT: L.V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1979. ==== ROUGH SYLLABUS: We plan to cover much of Chapters 2-4 in Ahlfors' book, ============== part of Chapters 5 and 6, and some more on elliptic functions (Chapter 7). INSTRUCTOR: Hans Koch ========== LECTURES: The lectures (Mon Wed Fri 10:00-11:00am) will be Zoom sessions online. ======== The Meeting ID is posted on Canvas. Login via your UT Account. Guest logins will not be allowed. The lectures will be recorded and made available afterwards on Canvas. (Active speaker with shared screen, participants' names.) Class recordings are reserved only for students in this class for educational purposes and are protected under FERPA. The recordings should not be shared outside the class in any form. Violation of this restriction by a student could lead to Student Misconduct proceedings. OFFICE HOURS: Office hours are Tue Fri 2:00-3:30 pm via Zoom. ============ The Meeting ID is posted on Canvas. HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned every Monday and posted on the class web page. ======== It is due the following Monday by the end of the day (CDT) via upload to Gradescope. (Uploading takes a few steps, so please budget enough time for this.) The format has to be a single pdf file. A submission guide can be found here. There will be roughly 13 homework assignments The highest 10 homework scores count 10% toward the course grade. EXAMS: There will be two 1-hour in-class midterm exams on Fri Feb 26 and Wed Apr 7, ===== and a 2-hour final exam on Sat May 15, 7:00-9:00pm. Students are required to be on Zoom and visible during exams. The exam problems will be posted on Zoom. Students may use the textbook and handwritten notes. Using online resources or consulting other people is not permitted. The students' exam solutions are due (via upload to Gradescope) no later than 45 minutes after the official exam period ends. The highest midterm grade, and the grade on the final contribute 45% each to the class grade. Make-up exams are given only if a student missed an exam and can document a valid reason (accident, illness, or legal obligation, whose timing was not known before February 4) or if granted by the instructor before February 18. DROP DEADLINE: Feb 3. ============= MORE INFO: See the class web page. =========