ยง[Mirela Ciperiani]

Mirela Çiperiani

The University of Texas at Austin
Mathematics Dept. PMA 8.100
2515 Speedway Stop C1200
Austin, Texas 78712-1202

Office: PMA 12.164
Phone: (512) 471-4188
Email: mirela at math dot utexas dot edu

I am an associate professor in the department of mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin.
I received my Ph.D. at Princeton in 2006 under the supervision of Andrew Wiles.

My mathematical interests lie in algebraic number theory and arithmetic algebraic geometry.
This is my CV.

Teaching - Fall 2024

M 373K Algebraic Structures I

M 390C Algebraic Number Theory


On the Iwasawa main conjectures for modular forms at non-ordinary primes (with Francesc Castella, Christopher Skinner, and Florian Sprung), preprint.

Local points of supersingular elliptic curves on Zp-extensions, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 801 (2023), 45-56.

Chabauty-Coleman experiments for genus 3 hyperelliptic curves (withJ. Balakrishnan, F. Bianchi, V. Cantoral-Farfan, A. Etropolski), Research directions in number theory WIN4, Assoc. Women Math. Ser., 19, Springer, Cham, 2019, 67-90.

Shadow lines in the arithmetic of elliptic curves (with J. Balakrishnan, J. Lang, B. Mirza, R. Newton), Directions in Number Theory: Proceedings of the WIN3 Workshop, Springer, 2016, 33-55.

Local to global trace questions and twists of genus one curves (with E. Ozman), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015), 3815-3826.

p-adic heights of Heegner points and Lambda-adic regulators (with J. Balakrishnan and W. Stein), Mathematics of Computation 84 (2015), no. 292, 923-954.

Weil-Chatelet divisible elements in Tate-Shafarevich groups II: On a question of Cassels (with J. Stix), Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 700 (2015), 175-207.

Galois sections for abelian varieties over number fields (with J. Stix), Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 27 (2015), 47-52.

Weil-Chatelet divisible elements in Tate-Shafarevich groups I: The Bashmakov problem for elliptic curves over Q (with J. Stix), Compositio Mathematica 149 (2013), 729-753.

Relative Brauer groups of genus 1 curves (with D. Krashen), Israel Journal of Mathematics 192 (2012), 921-949.

Tate-Shafarevich groups in anticyclotomic Zp-extensions at supersingular primes, Compositio Mathematica 145 (2009), 293-308.

Solvable points on genus one curves (with A. Wiles), Duke Mathematical Journal 142 (2008), no. 3, 381-464.

Mathematical Links

ArXiv Math.NT


Number Theory Conferences

Number Theory Web

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