M302 Introduction to Mathematics

Unique Number 56185 (MWF 12-1, TAY 2.006), Spring 2005

1. The prerequisite for this course is three units of high school mathematics at the level of Algebra I or higher, and a passing score on the mathematics section of the Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP) test.
2. PLEASE NOTE: Contrary to what the name of the course might suggest, this course is not a prerequisite for any math course except M 316K: Foundations of Arithmetic. If you are looking for a prerequisite for other UT math courses, please consult the catalogue or course schedule.

TEXT: Berger and Starbird, The Heart of Mathematics: An Invitation to Effective Thinking, second edition.

OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: The manipulative kit that comes with the textbook. (You should be able to purchase the kit separately at the local bookstores if you buy a used book that does not include the kit.) If you do not purchase this manipulative kit, you will need to provide substitute materials for some of the class activities.

TOPICS COVERED: Chapter 1; selections from Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, and/or 6; Chapters 7 and 8.

INSTRUCTOR: Professor Smith

OFFICE: RLM 10.136     PHONE: 471-6142 (message at 471-7711)     EMAIL: mks@math.utexas.edu
            HOME PAGE: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/

OFFICE HOURS: Posted on home page (see above)

CLASS WEB SITE: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/302sp05/302home.html

TA: Jonathan Pearson                            EMAIL: jpearson@math.utexas.edu



GRADING: Your course grade will be calculated as follows:

            Homework Quizzes: 16%
            Midterm Exams:        28% each

HOMEWORK: Reading and problems will be assigned regularly. Be sure to do the homework and bring it to class for reference on homework quizzes.

TIP FOR SUCCESS IN THIS COURSE: Be sure to do the homeowork for evey class. Plan your time so that you can spend about two hours between each two classes on homework.

HOMEWORK QUIZZES: Unannounced homework quizzes will be given frequently in class. Rules for homework quizzes:

PLEASE NOTE: On homework quizzes and  exams, you are expected to give solutions, not just answers. This means that you need to show how you arrived at your answer. This will usually involve explaining your reasoning, and sometimes will also involve calculations.

MIDTERM EXAMS: There will be three midterm exams, given at the regularly scheduled class time. All midterm exams will be in WEL 1.308.The dates of the midterm exams are Friday, February 28 18; Friday, April 1; and Friday, May 6.

FINAL EXAM: The final exam (scheduled by the University for Tuesday, May 17, 9 a.m. - 12 noon, the last day of final exams.) will consist of an opportunity to take a second version of any or all of the three midterm exams. If you are satisfied with your grades on the first versions of all three exams, you will be exempted from the final exam. I will not give early retakes. 

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Please notify me as soon as possible of any modification or adaptation you may require to accommodate a disability-related need. You will need to provide documentation to the Dean of Students' Office, and bring me a letter from that office, specifiying the appropriate accommodations. Please be sure that I have information on any modifications regarding exams at least two weeks before the first exam. Specialized services are available on campus through Services for Students with Disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY.