M 358K Assignment for Wednesday, February 15:
I. Read Section 3.4
- This section gives you an overview of some of the central ideas
of statistics. Be sure to read it carefully and keep these "big
picture" ideas in mind as we progress through later chapters.
- The distinction between parameter and statistic (p. 232) is important to learn and remember.
- Remember that we earlier used computer simulations to consider
the sampling distributions of the following four statistics:
- The proportion of successes in samples of 33 of the string experiment we did the first day of class.
- The sample mean of samples from a quantitative random variable.
- The sample variance of samples from a quantitative random variable.
- The "biased sample variance" (using denominator n instead of n-1) of samples from a quantitative random variable.
- Note that the term bias on p. 236 is the same as we used it in talking about the sampling distributions listed above.
II. Exercises for reinforcing reading and possible class discussion: 3.62 - 3.68, 3.70.
III. Turn in:
Exercises (Chapter 2) 2.66 (p. 165), 2.76 (p. 168), (Chapter 3) 3.82 (p. 247), 3.84 (p. 247),
3.86 (p. 248), 3.94 (p. 249) [Comment: Especially on Problems 2.66,
3.84, 3.86, and 3.94, try to write up your solutions at least a day in
advance, then come back to them the next day and read over them to see
if your explanations need to be made clearer. Maybe even have a friend
not in the class read them over to see if they are clear.]
IV. Carefully read the Project Proposal handout, and bring any questions on it to class.