M 358K (Smith’s section) Assignment for Friday, January 20:

Please Note:
•    Students whose last names begin with A through L will be called on Friday, so they should be sure to write out their answers to questions to use when called on or to put on the doc cam if asked. Students whose last names begin with M through Z will be called on Monday. We will continue alternating in this fashion.
•    After this, assignments will not be handed out in class. They will be posted on the web, with a link from the class web site.
1.    Read the complete First Day Handout and Letter to Students (online, linked from class home page). Please Note: You are responsible for knowing the policies in the First Day Handout.
2.    Read the preface “To Students: What Is Statistics?” (pp. xxxi – xxxiv) in the textbook.
3.    Read p. 3 - 24 of the textbook, paying attention to the following as you read:
•    In this and all reading assignments in this course, read slowly, for comprehension. (You may want to skim first, but if you do, be sure to give a second, thorough, reading.)
•    In this and all reading assignments, heed the “caution” symbol whenever it appears in the margin.
•    In this and all reading assignments, pay careful attention to definitions of words in boldfacepopulati. These are technical definitions, which are usually different (although often related to) everyday definitions of the same words. It is important to keep the two meanings (everyday and technical) straight.
•    As you read, try to connect the words “variable” and “distribution” to the meaning of those words used in M 362K (Probability). [Hint: “Variable” as used here is short for “random variable” as used in probability.]
4.    Try the histogram function in the One-Variable Statistical Calculator applet on the text CD or web site, as mentioned on p. 16. Instructions are included with the applet.
5.    Do the following exercises to reinforce and use the concepts in the reading: 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.12, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16. 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21 (Please note: Odd numbered exercises have brief answers in the back of the book; we will mainly discuss the even-numbered exercises. The odd-numbered ones are assigned to help you with the even-numbered ones where possible.) [Remember: If you are in the group designated to be called on Friday, be sure to write out your answers to be able to put them on the doc cam if asked.]
6.    Read the handout Review (and More) of Random Variables, linked from the class home page. This should help you connect the ideas in probability and the ideas in Section 1.1 (and maybe help you understand some of the ideas from probability better.) Be sure to think about the questions asked in the handout and do the exercise at the end. [Remember: If you are in the group designated to be called on Friday, be sure to write out your answers to be able to put them on the doc cam if asked.]
7.    You may want to start on part III (to be handed in) of the assignment for Wednesday. (The assignment is on the web, with a link from the class home page, http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/358Ksp06/358Ksp06home.html. The first problem is a review of some concepts from probability that we will be using in this class. The second problem requires use of computer software. )