Assignment for Monday, January 23:

Corrected 9:25 a.m., Monday, January 23; correction show in red.

Students whose last names begin with M through Z will be called on Monday, so they should be sure to write out their answers to questions to use when called on or to put on the doc cam if asked, and be prepared to demonstrate the Applets involved in the assignment if asked. Students whose last names begin with A through L will be called on Wednesday.

I. Read Section 1.2 (pp. 40 - 56), paying attention to the following:
II. Do the following exercises to reinforce the reading and for possible class discussion: 1.41 - 1.43, 1.51, 1.55 - 1.57, 1.65 - 1.68, 1.76. (Note: Exercises 1.55 - 1.57 require one of the applets from the book CD or website)

Note: It would be a good idea to work ahead on the written assignment to be handed in Wednesday.