Assignment for Wednesday, March 29 (M 358K, Sp 06, Smith)

I. Read the rest of Section 7.1 (pp. 459 - 470. Pay particular attention to the following points:
II. Do the following exercises to reinforce reading and for possible class discussion: 7.3, 7.27, 7.31, 7.39, 7.50, 7.51

III. Hand in: p. 430 #6.88, p. 439 #6.90, p. 440 #6.96, pp. 443 - 446  #6.104, 6.106, and 6.110
Note: To save yourself some work, do #6.104 using a spreadsheet or Minitab: put the values of the means in one column, use a formula (or the calculation feature in Minitab) to get the test statistics in another column, etc.