Assignment for Friday, March 3 (M 358K, Spring 06, Smith)
Students whose last names begin with A - L will be called on today.
I. Read Section 5.2. Note the following as you read:
- You have done most of the proof on p. 360 yourself earlier in the semester.
- Be sure you understand all of the steps in the proof at the top of p. 360.
- You may have seen the Central Limit Theorem (perhaps in a slightly different form) before in Probability.
- Try the Central Limit Theorem applet yourself. (See p. 364.)
- See if you can use the comments at the bottom of p. 366 and
the top of p. 367 to explain why it is plausible that people's
heights (at least if we restrict to one sex) are approximately normally
distributed. ( Why do we need to restrict to one sex?)
- The "Beyond the Basics" section (pp. 367 - 368) is optional, but may be of interest to Actuarial students.
II. Do the following exercises to reinforce reading and for possible class discussion: 5.29, 5.31, 5.34, 5.45 - 5.47.
Note: Since most of these
problems involve calculations, if you are in the group to be called on
today, be sure to bring solutions written up clearly enough for me to
put on the doc cam if you are called on.