Assignment for Wednesday, May 3 (M 358K Spring 06 Smith)
I. Finish reading Section 10.2 (middle of p. 656 - p. 667)
- I won't ask you to do the more complicated calculations
yourself, but you should try to get an idea of what goes into
them and why.
- Be sure to note the Caution on p. 661.
- Use the equations in the box on p. 662 to explain how the
prediction interval will be larger than the confidence interval for the
mean. Also remember why this makes sense, even if you don't have the
formula for the standard errors.
- On p. 664, be sure to distinguish between the population
correlation (rho) and the sample correlation (r). One is a parameter,
the other a statistic.
II. Do the following exercises to reinforce reading and for possible class discussion: 10.25, 10.33
III. Hand in: Exercises 10.6, 10.14 (Note: The data set might be labeled eg10-14), 10.20, 10.26 (These will require use of software.)