M 360M/396C, Fall 2005
10 points:
Same as for First Grading Rubric:
Problem is completely solved and solution is completely and clearly
explained, appropriately for the "audience" as described in the handout
"Guidelines for Written Homework"
8 points:
Paper shows that problem is well
understood (as described in First Grading Rubric) and that appropriate
strategies have been used, resulting in a plan that would give a
solution, but plan is not completely carried out. In particular, all of
the following which fit the problem have been done in a manner
appropriate to the problem:
• Appropriately
chosen special cases have been examined.
• Appropriate simplifications have been made
(exploiting symmetry, reducing to special cases as appropriate.)
• Auxiliary elements have been introduced if
• Subgoals have been identified if appropriate.
• Problem has been broken up into suitable cases
if appropriate.
• The method or result of suitable previously
solved problems has been exploited if appropriate.
4 points:
Paper shows that student has
obtained a good understanding of the problem, as described in the first
grading rubric.