Unique numbers: 58785/59155
Instructor: Dr. M. Smith
Contact information:
Home page: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/
Office hours: Office hours for the rest of the first week of
classes are:
- Friday, September 2,
11 am - 12 noon
Office hours for the second week of classes and regular office hours
will be announced in class and on my web page when they are set. I will
need to cancel office hours now and then to accommodate meetings, oral
exams, etc. I will try to give you several days advance notice when
this happens.
Class web page: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/360M05/360M05home.html
Links related to the course will be added here from
time to time.
Reading Assignments: Readings will be assigned from the Principles
and Standards for School Mathematics, National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics, 2000. You can obtain the readings in any of the
following ways:
1. Copies should be available at local
2. Sections which will be assigned as reading will also be
placed on UT e-reserves at http://reserves.lib.utexas.edu/eres/. You
will be given the e-reserves password for
this course in class. Be sure not to give the password out to
anyone who is not enrolled in the
course. (Please note: The course is listed under M 360M, Fall
3. You can join the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics at the
student membership rate of $38 per year. This will give you a
subscription to one of the organization's journals, plus electronic
access to the complete Principles
and Standards for School Mathematics. For more information or to
join, see http://www.nctm.org/membership/benefits-student.htm.
We will be reading most of the sections on problem
solving, reasoning, communication, representation, and connections.
Some of you may have read some of these portions before in other
classes. If this is the case, be sure to read them again, focusing on
any points indicated for attention in the assignment, and looking for
points you may have overlooked, misunderstood, or not fully understood
in previous reading. My experience is that each time I reread part of
the Principles
and Standards, I find
something new that I overlooked before.
Course objectives:
1. To improve your mathematical problem solving
ability. (By "problem solving," I mean "figuring out" rather than
following procedures that someone else teaches you.) This should help
you in other courses you take, especially proof courses, as well as in
other ways.
2. To improve your abilities in mathematical
communication (including writing, talking, and listening).
3. To deepen your understanding of some basic
mathematical concepts.
4. To enrich your understanding of what mathematics
is, especially as this is relevant to teaching mathematics.
5. To develop the habit of reflection on
6. To practice giving and receiving feedback.
Please note:
1. These are "You can lead a horse to water …" type objectives. You
have to do your part ("drink") by working hard at achieving the course
goals. There is no magic!
2. This is a course in mathematics for prospective teachers. It is not
a course on teaching mathematics, although what we do in the course is
very important in preparing you to teach mathematics for understanding.
If you have questions about things like classroom management, the
instructors of your education courses or the UTeach math master
teachers (Pamela Powell and Mark Daniels) are the best people to ask.
Course activities:
- In-class activities will include some group activities, but
primarily presentation of problem solutions; discussion of problems,
readings, and exercises; and occasional short lectures.
- As with any University course, you are expected to spend at least
twice as much time outside of class as in class working on the
course. Work outside of class will include working on problems, writing
up solutions, reading from the text and possibly from other
sources, and keeping
a journal. (See below for more details on the journal.)
What I expect of you: Both in-class and out-of-class
work are important for this course. In particular, I expect you to:
- Attend class regularly.
- Participate in class activities by presenting exercises when
asked, volunteering to present solutions to problems, listening
carefully to other students' presentations of solutions, asking
questions and offering constructive feedback on other students'
presentations, responding constructively to other students' critiques
of your presentations, contributing constructively to class discussion,
participating constructively in group activities, and treating your
classmates in a respectful manner that contributes to everyone's
- Do assigned reading and related assignments carefully and
reflectively rather than superficially.
- Manage your time working on problems so that you can work on
problems, set them aside, come back to them, write up your solutions,
revise your write-ups.
- Practice the problem solving techniques we discuss in class, to
incorporate them in your problem solving habits.
- Learn from other students' methods and from feedback offered by
other students or me, whether orally or in writing.
- Keep your journal as outlined below, and use it in a way that
best helps your individual learning needs and opportunities
- Take responsibility for maintaining a balance of challenge and
support that optimizes your learning in this course. (More on this
Policy on Collaboration: Since unauthorized collaboration is
considered academic dishonesty, it is important that you know what
kinds of collaboration are and are not authorized in this class.
1. The following activities are not only authorized but encouraged:
- Working on a problem with someone when neither of you has yet
solved the problem
- Asking someone for a small hint if you have given a
problem a serious try and are stuck.
- Giving a student who asks for help the smallest hint
that you possibly can.
- Asking someone to listen to and critique your ideas on a problem.
- Listening to a student's ideas on a problem and critiquing them
without giving away the solution.
- Asking another person to read and critique your write-up of
a problem.
- Reading and critiquing another student's write-up of a problem,
pointing out errors but not correcting them.
2. Unauthorized collaboration includes:
- Asking someone to show you the solution to a problem that hasn't
been handed in or discussed in class yet.
- Showing a student in the class a solution to a problem they
have not yet solved and that hasn't been handed in or discussed in
- Copying, either word for word or by rewording, a solution that
you have not played a significant part in obtaining. This includes a
solution found in a book, a solution obtained by a student or group of
students in this class, a solution originating in this class in a
previous year, or any other source.
- Writing up a solution together with someone else, whether or not
you have worked out the solution together.
Prerequisite mathematics: Most of the problems assigned in
this course involve only pre-calculus mathematical concepts. You will
be given a list (What You May Assume) of these. If you think of
using something not on this list in solving a problem, check with
first to see whether it is acceptable. In some cases, I might say
and add it to the list. In other cases, I might say you can use it only
if you include a proof of it in your solution.
If you are rusty on the prerequisite material, you
will be responsible for doing any necessary review. You may find the
handout "What You May Assume" to be adequate for review. If not, here
some suggestions on library sources: the QA 551 shelf in the PMA
library has several precalculus textbooks; the Textbook Collection in
the PCL stacks is probably the best place to look for geometry
texts. Also bear in
mind that you may gain a better understanding of concepts in the
process of using them to solve problems; so don't think you need to
understand everything completely before you start the class.
Portfolio: You are expected to keep and occasionally review a
portfolio of your work related to this class (including problems
both turned in and not, graded exams, and any other evidence of your
solving activities.) You will not be expected to turn in a
its purpose is only to be sure you have kept all your materials
an organized manner so that you can review them when requested.
Exams: There will be two midsemester exams (during regular
class time) and a final exam (Saturday, December 17, 9 AM - 12
Grading: You will be given grading rubrics for written homework
and exams. These will change as the semester progresses, based on
what we have done so far in the course. Course grading will be
holistic, based on all relevant information I have about you:
performance in class discussion
and problem solving, homework turned in, exams, journal, and any other
I have pertaining to your work in this class and its effect outside
class. I will try to give you the highest grade I can justify on the
of available evidence. The following examples should give you some idea
my standards for course grades:
Good or better quality on all of homework, exams,
journal, and class participation, plus excellent quality on at least
one of homework, exams, journal: A
At least good quality on at least three of homework,
exams, journal, and class participation: B.
At least adequate quality on at least three of
homework, exams, journal, and class participation: C
(See the second bullet in the section "What I expect of you"
above for what constitutes good class participation.)
Journal: As part of your coursework for this class, you are
required to keep a class-related journal. The journal will serve
several purposes, including:
- Encouraging you to reflect on your problem solving behavior and
other topics related to mathematics and teaching mathematics for
- Giving you practice writing about mathematics
- Providing feedback to me about your progress in the course
- Providing another means for me to give feedback to you.
You are expected to write in your journal at least twice a week
(three times for M396C students), with most entries being at least one
handwritten, standard sized page (or the equivalent word processed).
I will collect, read, and make comments on your journal every two
or three weeks. You will not receive a grade on your journal, but are
required to maintain it. Your journal will be part of the information I
consider in determining your course grade.
Journal format: Please use the following format to facilitate
collecting and reading journals:
- Use a double-pocket folder for your journal.
- Put new (unread) entries in the right hand pocket.
- Put old entries (those already read) in the left hand pocket, so
that I can refer to them as needed in reading.
- After the first time your journal has been handed in, be sure to
include the sheet of comments I have added to it, so that I can refer
to it as needed in reading new entries.
- Date each entry and keep them in chronological
- Do not include anything else in your journal folder.
Journal topics: Sometimes I will ask you (either the whole class
or individually) to write on a specific topic, but usually the choice
will be up to you. Possibilities include:
- Your reflections (thoughts, and feelings if you wish) on topics
the readings or discussed in class.
- Analysis of how you go about solving problems (e.g., what
strategies you most often use), and how you might do so better.
- Insights you have had into various mathematical concepts.
- Comparing and contrasting how you and other students go about
solving problems.
- Comparing and contrasting different solutions to the same
- How you have used ideas discussed in this class in other classes
or other situations in your life, or how these relate to what we've
discussed in class. (Students who have an extended field experience or
are student teaching this semester may have lots of comments related to
those experiences.)
- How the ideas in this class might influence your own teaching.
- How you might use what you learned in solving one problem to
help solve another.
- Describing problems you have made up, and why, when, and how
they might be good teaching/learning problems.
- Asking questions about concepts you don't yet understand fully.
- Requests for specific kinds of feedback.
- Asking questions about things in this class whose purpose you
don't understand.
- Suggestions on how to improve this class.
- Discussion of what types of problems you like best, and why.
- Comments on your progress in any of the areas of the course
- Information that might help me evaluate your performance in
this class.
Don't limit yourself to just one of these topics, however. Anything
related to doing and learning mathematics and teaching mathematics for
understanding is appropriate.
You should not use your journal to record what went on in class
(except brief accounts to introduce your own responses to this.) You
are expected to write in your journal outside class. If you wish to
take class notes, you should keep these in a separate notebook or
Information for M396C Students
Dear 360M/396C student,
Welcome to M360M/396C. I hope this class will be
rewarding for you.
As a mathematics teacher, you will share in the
responsibility of helping to prepare future generations to solve many
complex problems facing society. Increasingly, these problems are
at least partly technical ones, often involving mathematics, so your
as a mathematics teacher will be especially important. Many problems
do not involve mathematics can also benefit from the types of "higher
order" thinking skills that go into solving challenging, non-routine
problems, so what you teach in math classes can benefit students and
in ways beyond just mathematics. However, many of you have been
in your own precollege math classes by not having many opportunities to
work on these types of challenging, non-routine mathematical problems.
course will give you an opportunity to work on such problems, as well
to learn about (and practice) some of the thinking skills involved in
solving them and many other problems.
I believe that learning best takes place when the
learner has an appropriate balance of challenge and support. I have
tried to design this course so that there are ample opportunities for
both. However, since what is challenge and what is support varies from
student to student, you will need to take responsibility for achieving
a balance that is appropriate for you.
Most students find most of the problems in this
course challenging. If you do not, I expect you to take responsibility
for pursuing other aspects of the course in a manner that is
to you. Possibilities include seeing how many ways you can solve each
polishing your mathematical writing, focusing on observing other
problem solving efforts and how this observation can help you become a
teacher, trying to make your problem solving more efficient, learning
apply problem solving techniques discussed in this course to a course
is more challenging for you, reading more of the NCTM Principles
Standards carefully and thoughtfully, polishing your oral
presentation skills, learning to take criticism more constructively,
learning to work
better in groups, or overcoming a fear of speaking in front of your
By all means, report on your efforts in your journal.
If, like many students, you find the problems very
challenging, you will need to make an effort to develop and utilize the
supports available. No single prescription works for everyone, since
what is supportive for one individual may in fact be challenging for
(Example: Some students find feedback supportive, but others find it
challenging), but possibilities include:
- Establishing a good relationship with one or more students
in the class with whom you can work on problems (Two heads are better
than one!) or from whom you can obtain constructive emotional support.
(Of course, you should be willing to expect to give as well as take in
any such relationship.)
- Managing your time carefully so that you don't find
yourself too rushed to set a problem aside and come back to it later.
- Making an extra effort to learn to use the problem solving
techniques discussed in class
- Using your journal to help work through your struggles.
- Practicing constructive self-talk. (Example: If you start
thinking that you are "dumb" because you didn't see on your own
something that seems obvious after someone else explained it, remind
yourself that that happens to everyone, including extremely smart
- Making maximum use of your own and others' mistakes as
learning experiences.
In fact, the above suggestions are good ideas for
You will undoubtedly find the course frustrating at
times; it is in the nature of problem solving to feel frustrated at
least sometimes. Don't let the inevitable frustration stop you.
to deal with it is an important part of learning to solve problems.
I look forward to seeing you learn and grow
mathematically in this class, and hope that it will help you help your
own future students learn and grow mathematically.
Martha K. Smith
Professor of Mathematics