M s396C: Applied (Probability and) Statistics, Summer, 2010 First
Day Handout
Unique Number: 92225
Dates: Friday, June 25-
Thursday, July 15 (with
Friday, July 2 and Monday, July 5 as holidays)
Time: M-F 10-11:30 and 1 - 2:30
Room: RLM 10.176
Class Web Page:
(There is a
link from Blackboard.)
Instructor: Prof. (ret.) Martha
K. Smith, RLM 13.146, 232-6188,
Office hours: As arranged.
TA: Sarah Rich, RLM
12.146, srichatmath.utexas.edu
Office hours: TBA
Prerequisites: Enrollment in
the UTeach Master's program, or permission
of the instructor. Calculus will be used as needed; instructor will
pass out a review sheet on calculus.
Overview of course topics: The
role of measures in statistics; random
variables and their distributions and properties; various types of
means and their uses; basic probability concepts; Bayes' Theorem and
various applications; confidence intervals; introduction to Bayesian
statistics. There will be a mix of theory and applications.
Class Format: Some lecture, but
as much as possible problem based.
Grading Policy: Grades will be
based on homework and class
- Will be assigned for most morning and most
afternoon sessions.
- Some problems will be handed in, some presented orally or
discussed. (Problems to be handed in may also be discussed in class.)
- You are expected to be able to explain what you
are doing and why.
- Problems to be handed in are to be written
carefully, paying attention to reasons, logic, and exposition. Remember when writing up problems to hand
in that written communication is different from oral communication --
you don't have the opportunity to elaborate in response to questions,
so you need to anticipate possible questions.
Required Materials: None.
Materials will be passed out as needed. You
may wish to have a three-hole notebook to keep them in.
Facilities available for your use:
- The classsroom (RLM 10.176) should be available for your
all day. You may also use the Math Department Lounge, RLM 12.104.
- Math department computer labs: 7.122 ("The Big Lab"),
8.118, 9.120, 10.130, 13.138 (small labs). If you do not already
have a Math Department computer account,
click on the button that says "Obtain an Account" (probably in the top
left corner of the screen) of a terminal in one of the labs. You will
need to fill in your UT ID, the class number, and instructor name. More information on using the Math
Department computers.
- UTeach facilities in Painter Hall (You probably know
better than I do what's available there.)
Academic accommodations for students with disabilities: The
of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic
accommodations for qualified students wiht disabilities. For more
information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259,
471-6441 TTY.