M F396C: Math Applied to the Environment, Health, and Other Things that Matter, Summer, 2007
Unique Number: 94170
Dates: June 19 - July 6
Time: M-F 10-11:30 and 1 - 2:30
RLM 12.166
Class Web Page: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/mks/MathApp07/MathApp07home.html
Instructor: Smith, RLM 10.136, 471-6142, mks@math.utexas.edu,
TA: Pippa Charters, RLM 9.166 Office hours:
Facilities available for your use:
- The classsroom will be available for your use all day.
- Math department computer labs: 7.122 (big lab), 9,120, 10.130,
13.138 (small labs). Obtain an account in 7.122. Unix system has Star
Office (but not Microsoft Office) and Minitab
- UTeach facilities in Painter Hall -- you know better than I do what's available there.
Topics: Math will mostly be
probability and statistics and related concepts. Areas of application
will be mostly health, the environment, educational testing, civic
matters, etc.
Class Format: Some lecture, but as much as possible problems based.
- Will be assigned for most morning and most afternoon sessions.
- Some will be handed in, others presented orally or discussed.
- You are expected to be able to explain what you are doing and why.
- Problems to be handed in are to be written carefully, paying attention to reasons, logic, and exposition.