Math Courses Required for Second Field or Post-Baccalaureate UTeach Math Certification
The following 29 Hours of math are required:
- M315C (Functions and Modeling)
- M408C (Differential and Integral Calculus)
- M408D (Sequences, Series, and Multivariable Calculus)
- M325K (Discrete Mathematics)
- M326K (Foundations of Number Systems)
- M333L (Structure of Modern Geometry)
- M358K (Applied Statistics)
- M362K (Probability I)
- M341 (Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory) orM340L (Matrices and Matrix Calculations)
In addition, the student must take the required UTeach courses and meet
all other requirements of UTeach to bb recommended for certification.
Contact a UTeach advisor for more information.